Part 3

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Orange light glints off the rooftop tiles, filling the surroundings with a luminous glow. A calico puss leaps into existence on the adjacent tile, ignoring Chat Noir's advances and tiptoeing away with every step he takes. The scene in front of him is breath taking, ethereal smears of crimson and gold, a painter's final masterpiece on a sky-canvas.

A faint cough behind a wall alerts him to another's presence, and Chat frowns, about to leave when a flash of teal comes into view, and he relaxes.

Luka stares intensely at the sunset, as if trying to burn the image into his retinas. With arms draped over the railing, fingers clutching a worn moleskin, and an impassive expression, Luka looks the picture of a brooding artist. Chat steps over, his leather tail dragging on the concrete.

Luka turns at the sound, smiling directly into Chat's heart.


They're leaning into each other, resting on concrete walls. The mood is relaxed, until Luka breaks and Chat sees him shift, obviously disturbed. Looking away, eyes unfocused and watery. Blinking fast. Chat's heart flies into his mouth and he hurries forward, placing a hand on Luka's shoulder. "What happened?"

Luka touches his fingers to his face, and oddly, smiles. "That's never happened before."

He looks up, and huffs at Chat's wrinkled eyebrows. "I've never cried in front of anyone before. It's weird."

Chat lifts his eyebrows and hums. He shifts, putting space in between them again, a safe eighteen inches. His heart seems to settle, but lurches again as he keeps looking at that tear streaked, solemn face. Luka notices, and puts on a smile again, holding a hand up to placate him. "It's okay, just . ."

The blues of his eyes seem to resemble the twilight hues behind him, darkening as Luka explains the events of the past 2 weeks. He met someone, someone he really liked. He thought he had a chance, but apparently they're with someone else, unofficially. Chat can see in front of him the effect this has on Luka, and a strange, familiar feeling is rising in him unexpectedly. It makes him reach out unconsciously, placing his gloved hand on Luka's tight clenched fist. Luka gazes into the feline superhero's eyes intently, and his mood grows lighter. "So, what do you think? Care to bestow some ancient cat wisdom on my teenage troubles?"

Chat Noir smirks, and clears his throat dramatically. "I might have some advice, from my many years of existence as the Black Cat of Paris. And that is, to binge watch low-budget horror films, with a bowl of palmiers by your side." He tries to wink and throw finger guns, but they don't seem to have their intended effect, and Luka's cough sounds suspiciously like a laugh. He covers it with a hand and replies.

"Well, Black Cat, might I invite you to join me in this quest to drown my misery in snacks?"

Right on time, Chat's ring beeps thrice in warning. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders in resignation, bidding the teal-haired boy goodnight before being pulled down to the street by his pole.


As Chat Noir whips around Paris, ducking under telephone wires and leaping over balconies, a part of him longs to be back on that rooftop, looking into those gentle aqua eyes. He pushes the window inward and steps into his room, trying to suppress the sounds he makes.

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