Just Friends

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Simon (Third Person) :

"So, don't forget to do the homework! Remember, I am in fact keeping track of who is and isn't handing in their work!"

*Insert some school bell noise*

Everyone stood up and started to pack away quickly.

"Don't forget to hand the essay in on Monday!"
The teacher shouted over the noise.

"Simon! Man, I haven't spoken to you in ages!"
Vik said, catching up to Simon.

"Yeah, how are you? How you finding the new class?"
Simon asked.

"Yeah, it's ok. So boring though. Anyway, enough about that, how's you and JJ?"

Simon stuttered as his cheeks tinted pink. ...Probably the stupid heating system acting up again.

"Well, I heard you think he's gorgeous!"

"Where did you get that from,"
Simon gaped, his mouth hanging open.

It was probably JJ and his extremely inflated ego that told everyone.

"You know what? Fine. He's ok-looking, I can't deny that, and he's an ok person. But feelings between me and JJ are... nonexistent.  We are just friends. F, R, I, E, N, D, S."
Simon said firmly.

"Friends or friends?"

"Wh- No. We're just gonna see a movie today. Nothing special, just two mates, going to watching a movie."

"Are you sure? Ok well tell me if anything interesting happens yeah?"
Vik said, walking into their form.

"No, 'cause there will be nothing to tell."

"Hey Simon. You ready?"
JJ said putting his phone away, as he saw Simon and Vik walk in.

"Yeah. Just wanna know, what movie are we watching?"
Simon asked.

"Well, I actually haven't decided yet. We'll just see what's there."
JJ said.

Simon replied, walking out of school with JJ.


"So, they have the new one everyone's talking 'bout or some old romance one I forgot the name of."

JJ said, joining Simon at the line for the popcorn.

"Well what's the romance one about?"
Simon asked.

Simon's always been a fan for romance films.

"You like romance!?"
JJ asked surprisedly.

"Shut up! Just tell me what it's about."

"I don't know! It's like on a ship or something. And it's like set a long time ago."
JJ shrugged.

"Wait... Titanic!?"

"...Yeah, think so."
JJ said slowly.

"We have to watch that one! It's a classic romance film!"

JJ (Third Person) :

JJ mumbled. He hated romance, but something about the way Simon reacted to the film made him smile.

"Sweet or salty?"
Simon asked, snapping JJ out of his thoughts.

JJ said.

"Ok, can we have a sweet one please?"
Simon asked the lady at the counter, then smirking evilly at JJ.

"Didn't the hottie over there ask for salty?"
The young woman asked, smiling at JJ.

"Why yes I did. Thanks gorgeous."
JJ grinned at the woman.

She started scribbling something down on the back of Simon and JJ's respite. She handed it to JJ and he read it aloud.

"Call me ;) 07308351159." (I made that up, don't try to call it😂)

"He's actually my b-boyfriend."
Simon said hesitantly, grabbing JJ's hand.

JJ was shocked into silence.

"O-Oh. I'm so sorry."
She said, going red with embarrassment.

"I hope y-you enjoy the movie."
She said, handing the tickets and popcorn.

They both walked to screen 6 in an awkward silence, until JJ broke it.

"Why did you... do that?"
JJ asked.

"Why, did you want to call her and take her on a date?"
Simon asked with a hint of jealousy.

"No, of course not. I just want to know."

Simon (Third Person) :

"I just didn't..."

JJ looked at Simon expectantly.

The truth was as soon as the lady was being 'friendly' to JJ, a strong wave of jealousy washed over him, and without thinking... he acted on it.

JJ asked opening the door to screen 6.

"...I didn't ship it."
Simon said, only telling half of the truth.

"If your jealous, you could just tell me you know."
JJ smirked.

"What!? No, I'm not!"

He lied.

"Well, you've called me hot and you want to be my boyfriend. Something you want to tell me..?"
JJ teased.

"Dream on."
Simon said, trying to hide how embarrassed he was.

"Whatever. Here's your popcorn, and let's just watch the stupid movie."



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