Ruler of hell

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Luke was looking at the witch helping her friend. From what he saw the witch was purposefully make her fall. It was obvious. But the humans didn't think so. Such a careless creatures. Even every thing was happening in front of their eyes they can't still understand it. He saw their actions from hell it was clearly entertaining. Humans are really emotional creatures. And believes in emotions such as love. It was really amusing. Luke doesn't even know what love is. He seen people say I love you to one another. Mother to son or daughters.husband to wife. They act like without their loved ones they can't live. Luke understand it because logically thinking he also needs human souls to feed so truly sometimes we need each other. But what Luke doesn't understand is love. If love is so great and all that then why is It hurting peoples. Luke saw so many souls corrupted due to this emotion. Why wanting these emotion which only hurts you. Humans are really amusing creatures to watch. But it was tiring him to live with these creatures. If he has his way he will already go back to hell. His home. But he can't. Oh he can't .....

He needed to live with this people to find it. Then only he can go back to hell. Such a tiresome job. But needed it to be done. He was running out of time. He needed it. He need that sword.

He then notice a presence near him. Hands are going to hug him from behind. Luke moved out of the way. The hands wrapped arround thin air. Luke turn arround to met with Lucy. The girl who he sometime think has the potential to be his twin sister. At least he punishes the bad. But this girl is something else.

He wanted to lash out to her, punish her. How dare she trying to touch him. But this seems like a big job. So he simply raised his eyebrow.
He is Lord of sin. Sloth is one of it too. Seriously who doesn't commit it. We all do.

"Lukey! How do you know I was behind you? You must really looking forward to meet me."

Ahhh he hate the name she calls him. Atleast call him
by his name you moron. Luke thought to himself. He couldn't help but curse himself. He tried to stay away from her. He couldn't help but think even his father....ahh God also faced some serious headache while creating her. And people say devil is bad.

Luke didn't say anything to her. She was going to open her trap called mouth to say something but at the same time bell rang. Yeah saved by the bell.

Luke walked away and didn't even looked back.

Later at the lunch period Luke see that witch girl and her friend. They are sitting along with 2 boys and 1 girl in the corner of cafeteria.

Luke sits in the middle of the table with people who call themselves as populars. Luke doesn't even know when he becomes the part of this. But from the first day itself they try to hang out with him and considered themselves as his friends. They are so fake. Luke watches as they complement each other so sweety and plotting their murder at mind. It's so entertaining so Luke didn't mind them sitting with him.

He looked back at the witch's table. She was laughing at something that her friend said.
He was going to eavesdrop but then he heard a loud snap. He held his head in his hand and fought back a groan. He looked around but non show the sign of hearing the sound. The sound was so loud that there is no way the others didn't hear it unles it is something related to spirituals.

" Luke are you okay ? You look pale so suddenly." James asked. James is his kind...aka demon. He was so loyal and he was the closest thing that Luke could almost say a friend.

"Did you hear something? "


So even James couldn't hear it. It might means something powerfull. Is it about the sword..? Could be.

"James I he...." rest of his sentence vanished as his breath get knocked.

He saw something..

Rather someone.....

Clutching her head in her hands and looking arround....

The witch...

Which means she hear something which her friends didn't hear judging by the appearance of her friends.

She looked around and met the eyes of devil. She swallowed. Luke narrowed his eyes.

She hear that sound. She is lot more powerful than her pitiful spell she cast him yesterday. That spell couldn't even tear a single hair from him.

He has to know more about her. It can be easily done by making her his slave. Bit how?

Luke smirked....

Hold your soul tightly because the devil is doing to make a deal with you.

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