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Young Tanjiro Kamado stumbles through the snow, carrying two of his sisters on his back. His breath is visible in the freezing forest. He wears a green checkered haori with maroon hair, hanafuda earrings hanging from his ears and blowing in the wind.

How... How could I let this happen?

He thinks, panicking internally.

His young sibling, Nezuko Kamado, sleeps on his back. She has black hair with orange tips, her delicate pink eyes hidden beneath her eyelids. She wears a pink and bloodied kimono.

And then, the last and most young sibling out of the three. Young (Y/n) Kamado. She has (h/c) hair, (dark/light/pastel/kind) (e/c) eyes which are closed and relaxed.

Out of the family of six, Nezuko and (Y/n) were the only warm ones when he had found his family dead.

Tanjiro replayed the day before in his head. His neighbor, Saburo, warned him about man eating demons. Is this what he meant? Someone this cruel?

And there he was, sleeping peacefully in Saburo's house, while his family was brutally murdered.


All of a sudden, Nezuko wakes up, thrashing around. The thrashing caused the three to go tumbling off of the side of the small cliff.

If it hadn't been for the snow, Tanjiro would have gotton hurt, no doubt about it.

Looking around for his sisters, (Y/n) was still unconsious, sleeping quietly. But... where was Nezuko?

He found her, standing with her head down. Grabbing (Y/n) he ran over. "Nezuko! You don't have to walk! I'll carry you to town!" Tanjiro exclaimed with (Y/n) in his arms.

Nezuko looked up with her pink eyes, growling and veins popping out of her head. "Raugh!" She roared, jumping on Tanjiro. Nezuko tried to attack, Tanjiro quickly using his hatchet to keep Nezuko from biting down on him.

He dropped (Y/n), who was still weak and asleep.

She's... She's a demon! I just remembered what Saburo told me... No, but... She's been a human ever since she was born!

As they were on the ground wrestling, Tanjiro's eyes widened.

Did... Did she just grow in size!?

"Come on, Nezuko!" He called out to his sister. "You can fight it! Don't give in!" He yelled.

The previous day flashed before his mind again. Him, sleeping as his family had been mercilessly slaughtered. When he found them, Nezuko was sheilding their younger brother, protecting him. His mother and younger sisters spread on the inside, eaten and bloody.

(Y/n) woke up and tackled Nezuko off with inhuman speed and strength.

"Wait! (Y/n)!" He yelled to the youngest wrestling Nezuko on the ground. She stopped, and stared at her elder brother.

Then, footsteps could be heard. But, even those who had the keenest of hearing would have trouble hearing them.

The man jumped above Nezuko and (Y/n), dark blue sword about to strike, but Tanjiro jumped in, pushing them out of the way. The stranger's eyes widened as he had just barely cut off some of Tanjiro's maroon hair.

They rolled into a tree, Tanjiro grunting as he acted as a cushion for the two.

What the... who's that? A sword...?

Tanjiro looked at the man's bark blue katana, which said 'Destroy Demons' right above the hilt of the sword.

Nezuko had been knocked out from the blow, but (Y/n) was up and growling. She tried to run away, but Tanjiro held her back.

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