Chapter 11

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Night fell and with that came a storm. Mera and Althea has taken off their clothes and were in the clothes they had on when they were at Atlantis. Arthur is trying to make sure that the boat doesn't go to the side and Althea can't help but have a strange feeling like they weren't alone. But it was just the three of them.

Althea looks down the side of the boat but doesn't see anything, she turns around and comes face to face with a snarling creature. She screams and Mera is quick to pull her behind her, the creature jumps down in front of them and approaches them. Arthur appeared with a piece of wood and smashed it into the creature's face causing it to fall off the side of the boat but then more appeared.

"What the hell are these things?!" Arthur exclaims grabbing Althea and pulling her close "The trench! We're here!" Mera yells back. Althea looks at them in horror "They're Atlantean? But...they aren't human." She says "Vulko said that some have gone savage." Arthur remembered, the girl shudders then cries out when one of the trench creatures grab her arm "Ahh!" She screams again and Arthur punches the thing in the face.

Arthur pushes both Mera and Althea into the compartment and slams the door shut, Althea is holding onto him tightly and he has to think quickly. He got an idea and dug around until he found a flare, he opens it and holds it out the creatures, they jerk back and scream "They're from the depths, they're scared of the light!" Arthur hands the flare to Mera then starts to grab more.

He shoved some into his pockets before grabbing Althea's hand "Come on!" He yells, Mera shoves the flare she has down a creature's throat. Arthur opens up another flare and waves it around as the three of them all move to the side of the ship and onto the edge "Are you ready to jump?!" "Yes!" "No!" Althea clutches Arhrur's arm "We have to Althea! On 3! 1, 2, 3!" They all dived into the water.

Holy shit, there were hundreds of more under water! Lots were swimming after them and lots have begun swimming towards them, Mera had enough and used the water to push the trench away as they reached the ocean floor. The flare goes out and Althea whimpers again like a child afraid of the dark and Arthur lights another quickly "Over there!" Mera shouts pointing to something glowing blue straight ahead.

They took off again and more of the creatures came after them and towards them, the three of them crashed into some causing Arthur to let go of the flare. He grabbed Althea's hand as he felt her slipping away, and continued heading towards the opening before the creatures stopped due to the brightness.

They got to what looked to be a storm at the bottom of the ocean "What the hell is that?" Althea asks "I don't know but that thing will tear us apart!" Mera exclaims "We don't have a choice!" Arthur takes Althea's hand then Althea takes Mera's hand. 'This feels nice.' Althea thinks, it was like they were a family. They go into the storm.

The force was strong enough to pull them apart, they all flip around and Mera tries to reach out for Arthur "Arthur!" He tries to reach out for her and their fingers almost touch but the force pushes them back again "Mera!" They both fly in opposite directions. Althea is pushed to the ocean floor and hits her head against the ground, she blacks out for a second.

"Althea!" Arthur grabs her to stop her from spinning "Hey, look at me." Althea blinks a bit before her eyes settled on his face "Are you ok?" "I'm fine, just hit my head again." Arthur was quick to grow more concerned "When you already have a concussion? You feeling dizzy? Sleepy?" Althea pats Arthur's arm and gets out of his hold "Just a bit dizzy." She replied "We need to find Mera." Arthur agreed but still kept an eye on her.

He pointed upward "Swim up." He says and takes off, "Hey! Wait up!" Althea calls out and goes after him. Man, even using her speed gets her dizzy. They both jump out of the water "Mera!" Arthur shouts, Althea shakes her head to get rid of the dizziness. An animal cry both startled them and they looked up to see a pterodactyl flying over them "This is the hidden world? Looks more like Jurassic park." Althea comments.

Arthur points up ahead at them "There's the shore, come on." They both head towards it. Arthur is quick to start running once his feet connect with the ground and he sees someone standing over Mera "Get away from her!" Althea shouts ready to fight again but Arthur holds his arm out to stop her.

The mysterious person turns around and reveals herself to be...Queen Atlanna.

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