Chapter 5

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A/N: So we're going off movie script. This chapter is basically going to be just Mera and Althea bonding before the fight

Althea was separated from Arthur as he got ready for the fight, she was taken into the bedroom chambers to get washed up and dressed. Mera saw her fear as the maids tried to take her clothes off so they could bathe her and ordered the maids away and told them that she would help the girl get ready. They nodded and left the room.

"I'm sorry about all of this." Mera apologizes, Althea shakes her head "It's not your fault. I understand that you were trying not to give yourself or Vulko away." She says smiling. Mera finds herself smiling also "Lets get you washed up and take care of those bruises." She turns around to let the 15 year old undress and get into the water "It smells nice." Althea comments.

Mera pours some shampoo in her hand and begins to wash her hair "It's special oils, it's to help with the healing process of wounds. Your father would pitch a fit if you weren't treated." She says, Althea scoffs "Of course he would. Dad has been pretty protective of me ever since the day he found me." Althea responds. Mera pauses "Are you not his biological daughter?"

Althea shrugs "Sort of. I mean..I'm basically his adoptive daughter but I'm still an Atlantean. My people are different than his though." She explains. Mera nods "I've noticed. When you got mad, the water around you shook. What are your powers exactly?" She wanted to know. The girl thinks for a bit "Exactly like Dad's, except I can control water. least try to."

"You don't know how?" "" Althea looks embarrassed by that, Mera can't help but smile warmly as she pours water over her head to wash away the shampoo "That's ok, I never learned quickly at your age either." She thinks for a moment "I can teach you if you like." Althea whips around excitedly at that "Really?! That would be cool!"

Mera has to stop herself from practically dying from this girls cuteness. She clears her throat and begins to wash her hair with conditioner "I could use it in self defense, although Dad may not like that idea." "What do you mean?" Althea rolls her eyes in annoyance "Dad doesn't like the idea of me fighting. It's why he didn't want me to come in the first place, but I believe as princess of Atlantis it's my duty to fight and protect my home!" She exclaims.

Realizing what she said, Althea turned to Mera sheepishly "I am the princess right?" Mera couldn't help but burst out laughing, making Althea's anxiety rise "Well, because Arthur is the true king of Atlantis that would make you the princess." Althea breathes a sigh of relief. Mera pours water over her head again then gets up to grab a towel.

"All clean." Althea wraps the towel offered to her around herself then notices herself in the mirror, all of her bruises and small wounds were gone. She couldn't help but run up to the mirror for a more closer look, Mera chuckles at the girls shocked expression "I told you it helps with healing process. Now I thought that you could wear this." Mera holds up a light blue dress that seemed to sparkle. The details reminded Althea of a mermaid.

"It's beautiful." Althea says, "Well go on, put it on." Mera turns around again to give her some privacy. She turns back around and couldn't help but smile when she saw the princess "You look beautiful." Mera says, Althea blushes "Really?" Mera nods "Now let's fix up your hair."

Althea takes a seat in front of the mirror and Mera begins to brush her wavy hair "Do you mind if I braid your hair?" "Not at all. I like braids." Mera begins to braid her hair, Althea is silent for a bit before speaking "Hey Mera?" The woman noticed her tone "Yes?" " Dad...gonna be able to fight King Orm?" She asks, it occurred to Mera that she was scared of her father's fate.

"To be honest, I don't know. Arthur is not familiar with our customs, so I got pissed when he actually challenged the king." "Yes, Dad's anger tends to make me mad too. Especially when it causes him to make a dumbass decision." They both laughed at this. Mera finishes tying a hair tie to the braid and stands back to admire her work "Ok, you should be done."

Althea gets up and looks at herself, twirling around a bit "I don't think I've ever looked this fancy." She laughs. Mera chuckles "Well you look amazing." She says, "I should be getting ready myself. Will you be alright here alone? Vulko will come and get you before the fight starts.." Althea frowns a bit and looks around the room.

The entire place was so..strange to her. And new. And frightening. No one really liked her here. But when she was around Mera, she felt safe and wanted.

She looks at Mera shyly "Could I...stay with you?" The princess asks, Mera smiles and takes her hand "Of course." They both walk out the door and towards Mera's room. Althea looks back behind them and couldn't help but think of Arthur and wondered what he was thinking.

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