Chapter 12

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Arthur knew who she was as soon as he saw her. From the pictures and stories that his father and Vulko had told him. Althea also knew who she was and had stepped to the side so the mother and son could have a reunion.

"Arthur.." she says, smiling so wide. She never thought that she would see her son again and here he was all grown up. "Mom?" Atlanna places her hands on his cheeks and then gives him a tight hug, one that he returns back. Mera stands up and looks at Althea who's smiling too. Atlanna and Arthur both back up "I never thought..." Arthur began but he stopped himself.

"Me neither." Atlanna replied, knowing what he was gonna say. She then notices Althea and the girl gets nervous "Y-Your highness.." Althea says bowing a bit "Hey come on. Don't be like that squirt." Arthur says chuckling "Mom this Althea, my daughter." Atlanna looks at Arthur "Adoptive.." Althea mumbles. It was a habit she did whenever someone asked since they both didn't really look alike.

Atlanna smiles at her and Althea couldn't help but feel less nervous, her smile was so...kind. "Well, family doesn't end in blood." Atlanna says "I'm proud that my son has taken the role of a parent to such a beautiful princess." Althea blushes at the compliment "T-Thank you..." she says softly.

Arthur laughs at that, Mera goes up to them while holding her side "Are you alright?" Atlanna asks concerned. Mera nods "Yeah, just a little beat up from that storm we just came through." She says pointing to the center of the ocean "Oh yes, I had to fight my way through it too." Altlanna says. Althea's headache suddenly comes back and her world tilts as she stumbles to the side and collapses.

"Althea!" Arthur hurries over to her and shakes her "Althea, hey." "I-I'm fine..." she tries to wave him off but damn she couldn't even open her eyes. She was definitely not alright. Arthur felt himself panic "I have something that will help her and you too Mera." Atlanna tells them while holding Mera's arm around her shoulder "Follow me." She says. Arthur picks up Althea and follows his mother.

"So you've been alone this entire time?" Mera asks "Yes, I fought my way through the trench as you did. Here sit." Atlanna helps Mera sit down on a rock and Mera winces from the sharp pain that went through her "Must've been lonely.." Althea couldn't help but say. Atlanna nods "It has been." She then pours something into a bottle and gives it a little shake "Here, set her down." Arthur puts Althea down next to Mera.

"Whoa..." Althea holds her head as she gets hit by a dizzy spell "This is a sign that I should not hit my head again or I am going to knock myself out." She tries to joke about it but the look Arthur gives her makes her be quiet. Luckily, Atlanna chuckles then hands Althea the bottle "Drink this, it'll help." Althea curiously sniffs it then makes a face when it has an unpleasant scent.

"Yes, the smell might be...not that great but it works wonders." Atlanna says, Althea takes a few sips of the drink and is surprised when her headache starts to ease a bit "Well it's working." Althea comments and Arthur pats her head "I'm glad." He says.

Altanna finally turns to Arthur and says what's been on her mind ever since she left "Arthur, you must forgive me. Forgive me for everything." "This happened because you had me." Arthur responded "No, not for having you. None of this is your fault. I made a choice, I had to leave. To save you and your father." Althea found herself tearing up at this. That wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that Atlanna had to leave the love of her life and her son because the love she had found was forbidden.

"Tell me, tell me about him. Is he...?" Atlanna trails off "He still walks to the end of that dock..every morning, every day. Waiting for you." Arthur tells her, Atlanna tears up from happiness, "Why...didn't you come back?" Arthur asks. Altanna sniffs and wipes her tears away "Because the portal that brought you here won't let us return." She explains "That was a portal?" Althea asks dumbfounded.

"The trident is the only way back." Mera watches the conversation with concern "But it is guarded by the Karathen." Althea feels her heart sink at that name "The creature from our legends, it's real. It lies beyond the waterfall." Altanna points past Arthur and they all turn towards the waterfall.

"We'll go with you." Mera is quick to say, standing up with Althea next to her "We can't. Its too powerful. I've tried many time over the past few years, the creature will only allow the true king to pass." "If this creature is powerful then Dad can't go alone." Althea says looking at Arthur for help. But all he did was stare at his mother, Atlanna noticed his look "You're afraid..." she says taking a step towards him.

"Yes." Arthur admits "Good. You're ready." Altanna says "Atlantis has always had a king. Now it needs something more." Mera sincerely says, Arthur scoffs "What could be better than a king?" He asks "A hero." Atlanna says before explaining "A king fights for his own nation but you fight for everyone."

Arthur nods then turns to his daughter who is looking at the ground, he could see her lip trembling a bit "Althea-" "No. I'm coming with you." She says "You know you can't." Arthur replies bending down to her level, Althea looks at him with tears streaming down her cheeks "B-But what if you get hurt? What if the creature ends up...?" She couldn't bother to finish the sentence and started to cry harder.

Arthur pulls her into a hug "I promise that I'll come back." He says "I promise." Althea buries her head into his shoulder "Y-You better. Or I'm going down there and bring you back myself." He chuckles at that "I know you will." They both pull back and Arthur places a kiss on her forehead then heads for the waterfall. He stops before entering and turns back to look at the others one last time, Althea gives him a small wave. He waves back before diving into the water.

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