Mommy and Daddy are Fighting Again.....

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I looked up and watched as my mommy yelled at my daddy. They scream and fight every single day. Mommy fights about not having any free time and daddy fights about not having any money. Every time I hear them talk about the word money, I instantly think that it's my fault... Because they always say it is.
"We don't have enough money because of the kid."
"If we didn't have the kid then we'd be rich!"
They don't even call me by my real name anymore, i'm always referred to as "kid" or "little baby"..... They say all kinds of harsh words that make me tear up and want start to start crying. But if I cry then they'll yell at me more... One time I didn't stop crying.... They hit me... It hurt, very badly... I don't cry anymore unless i'm alone. I wiped the tears away from my eyes, this caught mommy and daddy's attention. They stopped yelling and stared at me. I looked up at them and hugged my teddy bear, Icky Boo, close to my chest.
"Aww, it the little baby crying again??" Daddy mocked.
"Didn't we teach you a lesson on crying?!" Mommy spat, eyeballing me.
I quickly nodded and backed into the wall as they slowly got closer.
"Maybe we should give her another lesson, she probably for got the last one" Daddy smirked, pulling off his leather belt and hitting me with it. I cried and curled up into a ball while he kept hitting me.
"Shut up shut up shut up!" My mommy screamed at the top of her lungs. This caused Daddy to hit me harder. I pressed Icky Boo onto my face to silence my screams as I continued to cry.
It felt like forever, but the lashings finally stopped. I didn't move from the wall, it hurt to much to move. I looked at the floor, Mommy and Daddy laughed at me then climbed the stairs. Once I heard their bedroom door slam shut, I slowly stood up and ran to the front door. It was locked so I silently ran to the kitchen and pushed a chair all the way to the door and un-locked it. I quickly put the chair back then ran back to the door. I twisted the knob and pulled the door open, letting in a cool night breeze. I smiled and walked outside, hugging Icky Boo close. The night was beautiful. It was an amazing shade of dark blue with MILLIONS of stars crowding the sky, they also surrounded the giant glowing moon. I walked down the street in only my fuzzy pajamas and bunny slippers.

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