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Why does it have to be a Monday? Why can't it be Friday again. I despise Monday's, I mean doesn't everyone? It's the first day of the week, meaning school. Another thing I despised.

You may ask why I despise it so much? Well I don't have many friends in school really. Only one, but he has other friends and is the opposite to me. How? Well my friend, also known as Lee Donghyuck is one of the schools popular boys, he's very bubbly and out going while I'm someone who is very shy and quiet. I sometimes wonder if people even know I exist.

Our friendship began one day when I accidentally spilled his smoothie on him when I bumped into him. I wouldn't stop apologising to him then and told him I'd treat him to some ice cream after school.


I was walking speed walking to school, I was very close to being late, which I hated. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I suddenly bumped into someone. Their drink spilled all over them and their top got very messy quick. The person groaned.

"Oh my- um... I-I'm so sorry..." I said whilst quickly getting some tissues out from my bag to wipe his shirt, trying to clean the mess up, which wouldn't come off at all.

He looked down at me, with fire in his eyes. He looked so angry it scared me and I backed off. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "I-I I'm so sorry... I promise to pay you back... how about ice cream after school?"

Suddenly his mood changed 360 degrease and his eyes showed a little sparkle. "Ice cream? Hell yeah. Oh and you should also clean my top." "I uh... yes of course." I stuttered because it wasn't normal of me to talk to people, being the introverted girl I am.

"Great. Wait for me at the front gates after school. And you better be there because if not I will find you and beat you up. Got it?" "Y-yes. I'm very sorry." I looked down in disappointment.

"Anyways I'm off to change, bye. Make sure to be there exactly 1 minute after the bell rings." I widened my eyes and nodded, then quickly ran off to school.

•Flashback End•

So yeah, that's how it all started. Donghyuck has a group of friends, who are also very popular in my school. They call themselves the "dreamies". Pretty childish if I do say. The group consists of 6 boys: Jisung (being the youngest out of the six), Chenle (who is close to Jisung), Renjun (who's super smart and is chinese, Chenle is chinese too), Jeno (who has a very charming eye smile that could literally make someone smile), Haechan (who is my friend, only friend may I point out, he's kind of like the school's prankster), and then there's Na Jaemin, the boy who every girl is in love with, including me. I don't like to say it but it's true, there's no way someone wouldn't fall for him. Everything about him is perfect.

Anyways enough of explaining, I've got to get to school. It's already 8:02 and if I don't leave I'll be late. I quickly grabbed my stuff and put my shoes on then left the house, remembering to lock it. My parents were already at work, they leave early in the morning.

I was on my way to school, walking at a slow pace with my earphones in. Looking around the street I saw a bunch of other students walking to the same school as I, but one group caught my eye. It was the 4 handsome boys in Donghyuck's group. Well all 6 of them are handsome, I must admit, even Donghyuck. I was staring at one particular person though.

And to my surprise, he turned around. I'm guessing he knew someone was watching him. We made eye contact for a quick second before I looked down at the ground. God, that was really embarrassing.

I kept my eyes on the ground until I got to school. I got unlucky today and remembered I had maths first period after homeroom, meaning I would see Jaemin. If you think about it then it's not that bad but he sits right next to me. What if he starts talking to me? Oh god what will I do then. Why would he even talk to me? God I need to stop overthinking.

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