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Another day where I have to go school. Meaning another day I hate. Another day where I have to see people. I wish school didn't exist, then I could stay at home. If you couldn't tell already, I hate the world. Not literally but... yeah.

Today I woke up a bit later than usual so I didn't have much time to do anything. I got changed into my uniform and had breakfast. I then left for school. Whilst walking to school, I had my earphones plugged in. I was listening to I Smile by Day6 since I was playing their playlist on shuffle and it came on. I really admired the band.

I got to school a bit early so I just went to sit on the benches outside in front of the grassy area. I was watching students walk by. There was a boy and a girl who looked to be 2 years younger. They seemed very cute together. The girl was running away from the boy as he chased her around on the grass.

I always wanted to have a friendship like that, boy or girl, I don't mind really. I've never really been good at making friends though, I'm surprised Haechan even wants to be friends with someone like me. But then again he is technically friends with everyone since he's so talkative and bubbly.

I decided to head inside to my homeroom since the bell was about to ring in a few minutes. I walked in to find Donghyuck sitting in his seat. I'm surprised he's early. "Hey," I spoke up to him. "Omo, you spoke first!" "Uhm... yes? How come you're here so early?" I decided that if I wanted to be more social I should talk more, Donghyuck was a good person to get help from with this. "Oh, I accidentally woke up early so I decided to come."

Usually he'd come right before the bell would ring, we still have 5 minutes until then. I sat down in the seat next to him and took out my sketchbook. "Have you finished me yet?" He asked, peaking over to view my book. "Soon. I'm close to finishing, I just have a bit of tone left to do and I'll show you." I said, pushing his face away from my desk. He pouted and crossed his arms. I slightly smiled at his cute behaviour.

The bell rang and so I put my stuff away. The teacher came in and took the class register and proceeded on doing whatever. (A/N: Sorry I really don't know what happens during this time, I just sit there on my phone lmao) Today seemed to pass pretty quickly. I was now in my third period, which was Maths. That means I'd have to see Jaemin.

When I got there, I didn't see Jaemin at his seat yet. Why was I even looking for him? I should probably try move on. He would never like me back, he's also Haechan's friend. Soon after, he walked in. He came and sat down next to me, as he sat down he smiled at me. "Hey Namhee!" "H-hey." "I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me," he paused before saying "and the rest." "The rest?" "Haechan and that." Oh, he wanted me to sit with the six most popular guys? No way. Rumours would start going around probably. "Sorry but i'm going to have to decline your offer."

His faced turned. He was trying to make himself look sad so that I'd agree. "Please~" He said in a cute voice. I tried really hard not to smile right then so I turned away. He kept on pestering me until the teacher came. Luckily that didn't take long.

I was in the middle of doing work when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to the direction to see Jaemin staring at me. "Y-yes?" I asked. "Pleaseeeee can you eat with us? I'll pay for your food!" "No it's fine." "Just please sit with us." He said, shaking me by the shoulders. "Fi—"

"Na Jaemin and Park Namhee. Would you like to share to the class what all this commotion is about?" The whole class stared at us, that's when I realised everyone probably saw what Jaemin had done. He was still holding my shoulders. We didn't say anything and so Mr Moon continued, "Very well then, detention for both of you after school tomorrow." I internally groaned. Detention!? With Na Jaemin! You have got to be kidding me.

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