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I had stayed up all morning watching a k-drama on my tv. It was now 12pm. This whole time I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. Should I accept Jaemin? I mean, I do like him, but how would the others react? Especially his fan girls.

I tried to ignore my thoughts as I watched some cartoons, but after a while I groaned and left for the kitchen, not being able to get the thoughts of out my head. I drank a glass of cold orange juice and decided to text Jaemin.

Hey, Jaemin?


Could we meet up?

Sure, when and what time.

Is now okay? At the park
near the school.

Sure, I'll be on my way.


Wow, I didn't expect him to reply straight away. Well, I guess I had to go get ready now. I put on some simple clothes and put lipgloss on, gotta still make a bit of effort you know.

I made my way down the street after locking the door to my house. The weather was just right today, it was sunny with a bit of wind. I smiled, enjoying the outside world.

When I got to the park, I already saw Jaemin. He was sitting down on a bench, the bench we sat on last time we came here together. He was wearing jeans with a plain white top and a light blue jacket over the top. How come he still looks so mesmerising even in simple clothing?

"Hey," I said as I approached him. He looked up and smiled at me whilst playing with his fingers. "Hey. Why did you want to meet up?" "Well, I have an answer." He looked at me with hope in his eyes, still fiddling around with his fingers. I took ahold of his hand to calm him down.

"Why are you so nervous?" I giggled. "Well, the girl I like is about to tell me how she feels towards me, of course I'd be nervous." "Wow, are you that impatient," I laughed. "Let's hang out for a bit first." He looks at me disappointedly before agreeing. "Where are you thinking?" He asks. "Surprise," I smirked at him. Pulling him up from the bench, I dragged him to a place.

"The beach?" He asked me. "Not just any beach, this is the place where I always have my firsts." I told him. He looked at me confused. I thought he would've known what I meant by now but surprisingly he hadn't had a clue.

I dragged him to a place near the sea and sat down, patting the space next to me. He hesitantly sat down. "If you get sand up your pants I'll wash them for you," I joked whilst cracking a smile, making him laugh. We sat for a few minutes on the soft sand, enjoying the sound of the waves flowing in from the everlasting sea.

"Yes." I said. He turned to me and frowned. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I waited for him to react. He looked at me with the most loving face a human could possibly put on and said, "Really?!" I laughed at his cute behaviour. "Yes." He stood up making me panic. I stood up too and he suddenly started jumping about like a kid.

I felt my feet being lifted off the ground and he spun me around whilst holding onto my waist. He put me down and hug me tightly. "Thank you," he said. "For what?" "For saying yes." I laughed. "Of course I'd say yes, who wouldn't?" He frowned. "Not in that way," I quickly said.

"I love you so much, can I kiss you?" He asked making me blush. I nodded and not longer after I felt his soft lips on mine. "I love you too," I said after the kiss. He smiled at me and said, "I promise to be the best boyfriend you've ever had." He noticed that I was super red and asked me, "Are you okay?" "Of course." I smiled brightly.

We walked down the beach, hand in hand. "So, what did you mean by this beach being the place where you have your firsts?" He asked me, curiosity laced in his tone. "Well, it's simple really. I always have my firsts here. Today, I had my first kiss, and my first boyfriend." He looked at me shocked. "You've never had a boyfriend before?" I looked down shyly. "No," I whispered.

"How come? You're perfect. Any guy would want you as their girlfriend." He stated. "Oh shush before I push you into the water." "Not unless I do it first." He picked me up bridal style making me let out a scream. He was heading towards the water as I tried to escape from his arms. "No! Put me down please! I'm begging you Jaemin you better not drop me or you're-" A big splash was heard as he let go of me.

I fell and grabbed his hand along the way, making both of us fall into the water. I groaned and slapped Jaemin for getting me wet. I looked at him with fire in my eyes before chasing him down the beach. We stayed out until the sunset, making the sky a nice orange colour.

Later he took me home and we bid goodbye, not forgetting to leave a kiss on my right cheek. When he got home, we texted for a bit about today but I accidentally fell asleep in the middle of our conversation. I'd see him tomorrow anyway so it's fine. I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Author note:

God I'm so bad at writing stuff like that. Anyways thank you for reading, please vote and share xx

(Published June 5th)
(961 words)

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