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Today, I had surprisingly woken up pretty early. It was a Saturday meaning we had no school, usually I'd sleep in late but I guess today is not one of those days.

I walked downstairs to go eat some breakfast since my stomach was grumbling, anticipating me to go and feed it. When I got downstairs I was surprised my mum wasn't up. Maybe she was still sleeping? I walked to the fridge to get some milk and saw a pink sticky note slapped in the middle of the fridge.

Hello sunshine, I've gone for a short trip for the weekend (work asked me to), I won't be back until Monday. Please take care of yourself. I have left you a bit of money under the fruit bowl. Take care.
Love, mum

Oh, guess I have the whole house to myself now. I made myself some cereal and finished it quickly. I washed the dishes and went back to my room.

When I got to my room, I heard my phone buzz continuously. I went over to my nightstand and unlocked it. My lock screen was a picture of me and Haechan at the park, he had a funny face on making me laugh.


Namhee are you awake?

Reply if you are :)

What is it Haechan?

Can you come with me and
the guys to the theme park
that recently opened?

Hmm, why? What will
I get from coming.

You get to see Jaemin.

And me ;)

No thanks.

Well, too bad. We are
on our way to your house
so you better be ready in
5 minutes.

Sometimes I ask myself
why I'm friends with you.

Because you love me and
i'm handsome, duh.

Whatever, now let me
get dressed.

See you in 5 x

It was pretty warm outside so I decided to wear something bright. I wore denim shorts and a plain white crop top (A/N: something like the picture above). I left my hair down, it was wavy and long. I took a plain black shoulder bag which contained my keys and headphones in it.

I made my way downstairs with my phone in hand, grabbed my cleanest pair of white shoes and put them on. Not long after, I got a text from Haechan telling me they were outisde.

I made my way outside, not forgetting to lock my door. I walked towards the car, which was being driven by Haechan's friend Mark. I got in the back seat, sitting next to Jaemin. His car had enough space to fit 8 people in, including the driver. At the front passenger seat sat Haechan while Jisung, Chenle and Renjun were in the middle row, Jeno sat on the other side of Jaemin who sat in the middle.

I got in and greeted everyone. "Hey," Jaemin smiled at me. He looks so ethereal. "Hi." I replied, putting my seatbelt on. I took my phone out and sent my mum a quick text incase she checked her phone, that I was hanging out with Donghyuck today.

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