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I walked into school, listening to Congratulations through my headphones when suddenly I was pulled by the arm. I looked and saw 3 girls all staring at me. Taking my headphones I gave them a confused face.

"Hey, could we ask you a few question?" A girl, who I think is a year younger, asks. "I- uh- sure?" I stuttered. "Are you and Jaemin a thing?" Another asks. I widened my eyes at her question. "No... why?" "Oh good, because our friend here likes him and we wanted to know if he was single, he is, right?" She asks me whilst pointing at the third girl. "Uhm yes, I think so."

"Right well since you're so close, could you tell us a few things about him like what he likes to eat and what kind of girls he's into." I panicked, I didn't know how to respond because I didn't know that much about Jaemin. I needed Donghyuck to come and take me out of this. As if on cue, he walked up to me, not Haechan but Jaemin himself.

He dragged me away from the girls and said, "What did those 3 want from you?" "They were asking stuff about you," I replied. He rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Don't talk to them, they won't stop bothering me." "A-alright." The bell rang and I left Jaemin to go to my lesson and because I was supposed to be staying away from him.

•Jaemin's POV

Throughout the whole day I've been trying to talk to Namhee but she keeps on running away from me. Actually this isn't the first time, she's been doing this since Tuesday now I think. It annoys me how whenever I walk up to her she just disappears. Does she not like me or something? I thought I'd been nice to her all this time.

I should ask Hyuck to get him to set me up with her, since they're best friends she will probably agree to whatever he says. "Hey Hyuck," I said greeting him. "Yo, what's up? You don't usually come up to me first." He looks at me weirdly. "Could I ask for a favour from you?" I looked at him with my pleading eyes. "Depends." "Could you somehow set new and Namhee up?"

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "You know like, a date or something." "Why?" I fiddled with my fingers. "Well, I kind of like her but she doesn't seem to feel the same so I want to prove to her how I can be a good boyfriend." He makes a thinking pose before speaking, "Sure, why not. That girl needs to get herself a man anyways and I trust you."

Donghyuck's POV

When I got home, I went onto mine and Namhee's chat and texted her saying: Hey, can we hang out? I didn't take her long before replying. When? Now? Where? I chuckled at the way she replied.

Yeah, in 10? At the cafe
near school?

Sure. Let me just get
changed and I'll come.

Thanks, see you in 10 x

Cya x

Now all I had to do was text Jaemin.

Yo man. At the cafe near
school in 10 minutes.


You and Namhee.

Oh! Thanks, did you tell
her it's me?

Nah, I told her I wanted
to meet her there.

Alright, thanks Hyuck.

No problem.

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