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This morning, I woke up to an awful pain in my head. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the sun in my face. Quickly shutting my eyes, I groaned.

"Mum!" I yelled, then regretted it as my head hurt more and my throat made my voice come out weird. "Yes sweetie?" She asks coming into my room. "Oh god, you're so pale," she comes up to me and checks my temperature by putting the back of her palm on my forehead. "You're burning Namhee!"

She quickly went into my bathroom. Not long after she came back with a small towel and a bucket of water which I'm assuming was cold. She dipped the towel into cold water and placed it over my forehead. "Gosh, you are not going to school today, you need to rest." She said in a soft voice. I nodded.

"I'll go get you some medicine and make you some hot soup, you can rest for the mean time." I nodded again and she left me all alone in my bedroom. I decided to just go back to sleep.

Time skip

I woke up to the sound of my phone dinging constantly. I groaned and turned to the side to get my phone from my night stand. Turning it on, I saw 20+ messages from Haechan and Jaemin.

I clicked onto mine and Haechan's chat first.



Namhee Lee.


Why aren't you at

Are you sick?

I'm coming to your house
after school!

Hope you get well x

Sorry, and yes I was sick,
you don't need to come though.
I'm fine :)

I checked the time and realised that school was about to finish in 5 minutes, so he'd probably read it. I then went on mine and Jaemin's chat.


Why aren't you at school

Are you okay?

Are you sick?

Should I come over?

I'm coming over right after
school ends!

You don't need to, I'm fine.

Thanks for worrying.

Why was he so worried about me? Does he really care that much?

I decided to watch a bitch of TV. I turned it on and scrolled through some channels until I stopped on one which was showing Teletubbies. Don't make fun of me okay, I still love Teletubbies to this day.

I heard the door bell ring but stayed put in my cozy bed, my mum would probably get it. She stayed home from work to look after me.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps approaching my room and someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I said loud enough for them to hear me. When the door opened, I saw Jaemin with a plastic bag in his left hand.

"Oh, hi. What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here to take care of you, obviously." "I told you I was fine." "You're sick though," he placed the bag down next to my bed and left the room. Where's he going? I thought he was going to take care of me??

Soon after he came back with a bowl in his hand, which I assumed was soup. He saw me looking and smiled at me. Placing the bowl down on my night stand, he grabbed my desk chair and put it next to my bed where I was sitting.

"Come," he said, asking me to come closer. He took the bowl and spoon and tried to feed me with it. "Uhm... I can eat by myself you know," I said, blushing a little. "I want to feed you though, it's what I do to my sister when she got sick." "You have a sister?" "Yeah, she's 10. Now open your mouth and eat." I opened my mouth and he shoved the spoon into my mouth, smiling in accomplishment.

After I was done eating, he took the empty bowl downstairs and came back up with a glass of water. I drank it and took my medicine. "What do you want to do?" I asked. He looked around my room and when he saw the tv he smirked. "Why not watch some Teletubbies?" I turned to my tv and realised I left the channel on. I turned even more red.

"Can I come on the bed with you?" He asked me. I nodded and we watched Teletubbies. (A/N: I mean who doesn't like Teletubbies? Haha)

Time skip

I started feeling a bit tired after a while. Jaemin was still here with me, in my bed, watching tv. I managed to stay awake for a bit longer but soon after I fell into deep slumber.

•Jaemin's POV

I was watching Teletubbies with Namhee when I suddenly felt weight on my right arm. I turned my head to see her leaning on my arm, sound asleep. I smiled seeing how cute she looked and make her head a bit more comfortable, placing it on her fluffy pillow. I wrapped the blanket around her and slowly stood up.

I was in the middle of standing up when I felt her grab my arm. "Please stay," she mumbled. I quietly giggled at her sleepy state. "I can't, I need to get going and you need your beauty rest." She didn't respond.

I sighed and left her room quietly to not make any noise and wake her up. I big goodbye to her mum and went to my house. When I got home I opened my phone to see texts from Hyuck.

Was she okay?

Are you still at hers?

No, I'm at my house and
yes she's okay, just a bit sick.

Thank god.

By the way, you do know
you're paying me back.

For what?

Hooking you up with my
girl best friend.

Yeah yeah, whatever

I smiled at the though of Namhee sleeping peacefully in my arms. I will make her mine soon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Published June 1st)
(979 words)

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