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Percy Jackson , Young Justice and Justice league are not mine they belong to Rick Riordan and The people behind DC and as last Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman and Nikelodeon.

In the Young Justice team sit only: Nightwing, KidFlash, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, Red Arrow, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis.

 From Danny Phantom: Danny, Dani, Tucker, Sam, Jazz.

 And from Percy Jackson: Pershephone (Percy), Nico, Thalia, Jason and ..??..

If you see any misakes in the storie please tell me so I can correct it. My first Language is not English.

Pictures en video are not mine unles I say so.

Now let's get to story started, have fun.

--- Multico001

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