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Dick- What are the names?

Jason- Fenton and West.


Wally- No no no, that can't be true.

Dick- Wally, what can't be true?

Wally- Her name is not Jazz Fenton. Her real name is Jasmine West, she is my older sister. I can't believe she's still alive.

He broke down in tears and Dick walked over to him and hugged him. Trying to calm down his boyfriend.

Dick- I'm bringing him to his room

Percy- Okay, we will make the plan and tell you later. Do you think he can help with it or not?

Wally- I want to help. If it is really her then our family is back together.

Dick- We will hear the plan when were back.

The two boys walked away. And the others went around to tabel to discuss what to do.

~~~~Timeskip when birdflash walks back to the meeting room~~~~

Jason- This is the plan, we will go in groups to 1 of the 3 people. Thalia, M'gann, Artemis and Tim, you are going to find Sam and bring her here. Jason, Damian, Kalder, Roy an I will go after Tucker. And Percy, Dick, Wally, Nico and Connor are going after Jazz. Goodluck and be back within two hours. 

Percy-  After that I will see if I can get a family member to help us. Let's go.

To Be Continued

A/N I know it's short but the next chapters will be longer. I try to finish the book as soon as possible but school is a B!tch to me now. 

See you in the next chapter...


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