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"Hey" = Englisch

"Hey" = Roemeens

Batman walked into Moun Justice and told the team to meet by the Zeta-Beams. After a few minutes they were all their and stood their.

Nightwing/Dick- Batman Why did you asked us to meet here?

Batman/Bruce- You will get new team mates, that's why.

Before they could say anything else the Zeta-Beams announced their guests.

Wonder Woman 03, Huricane B11, Ghost King B12, Huntress B13, Sky B14

Wonder Woman/Diana- Team meet your new team mates.

Four people walked from behind her all wearing a suit.

Four people walked from behind her all wearing a suit

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^^^^^ Persephone^^^^^

^^^^^ Persephone^^^^^

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^^^^^Mask in their own colour like the suit

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^^^^^Mask in their own colour like the suit.^^^^^

Huricane/Percy- Can we show them our indentities, cousin.

Wonder Woman/Diana- Only if you want to.

Huricane/Percy- Good cause I hate to wear masks.

Huntress/Thalia- My name is Thalia Grace, Daughter of zeus, 25 years old.

Sky/Jason- My name is Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, 20 years old.

Ghost King/Nico- My name is Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades.

Wonder Woman/Diana- Nico your age.

Ghost King/Nico- And I'm 88 years old.

Kid flash/Wally- How can yo--

Wonder Woman/Diana- You can ask your questions later. Huricane you're up.

Huricane/Percy- I'm the Daughter of Poseidon, I'm 23 years old and my name is Percy Grayson.



To be continued...

(A/N yes I know it's short. I am trying to make the chapters as long as possible but I wanted a little cliffhanger here.)

Next chapter will be in a few days....

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