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Jazz, Tucker and Sam Were standing outside of the abonded house waiting for Percy and Richard to meet them there. They were looking around for were they could be, when a flash of yellow distrected them. After that they saw more people appear around them.

KidFlash- It's really her.


Jazz- What do you mean?

Nightwing- Jazz Fenton, real name Jasmine West.

Jazz- How do you know?

Kidflash took his mask off. And looked in the eyes of his older sister.

Wally- How would I not know my own older sister.

Jazz- W-wally...

Jazz ran to her younger brother and hugged him. After a few minutes they seperated from each other.

Sam- Why did you asked us to come, 'cause we all know that this was not for a reunion (Why don't I know how to spell that :| )

Percy- What your saying is indeed true. We are also here for someone else.

Dick- And you three know him. Daniel Domonic Grayson also known as Danny Fenton.

Percy- Our youngest brother.

The trio was shocked what they heard from the two siblings. After a few minutes coming back from the shock they were going to one of the Zeta-Beams that was in the area and went to Mount Justice. There were already standing the Justice League, waiting for the Young Justice team to come back. When they heard the Zeta-Beams they all looked at the group that came in.

Bruce/Batman- You found them I see.

Percy- Yes, does uncle Tony already know that we are coming tommorow.

Bruce- Yes, he knows. We only need to watch out cause there wil also be an school touring going around at that time and for some reason he asked us to come at that time.

Nico- Probably because of Peter and he want us to crash the tour. That's someting he would really ask us to do.

Dick- Why that?

Percy- Because Pete is one of the students of the tour.


The teams were getting ready to get into the cars that will get them to the Avengers Tower for the meeting and to emberess Peter when he is on his tour trough the tower.

Bruce- Okay is everyone ready to go so we can get there without alot of attetion from other people.

Everyone said yes and they all went in pairs of five to a one of the four cars that were ready to go.


They arrived at the tower and were guided to the garage under the Tower and were led to the elevator that would send them to the meeting room that was one entire floor in the building.

The door opens and they saw the Avengers standing ready to welcome the group. Percy, Bruce and Dick walked up to the man in the middle of the group and greeted him.

Tony- It's good to see you three again. How long hasn't it been since we saw each other last time.

Bruce- 15 years ago. The day of our sisters families dead.

Tony- It was an awfull day indeed. But shall we start with the meeting. We still have to find someone.

Bruce- Indeed we do. Kids you can go explore the building.

Percy- One question before we go.

Tony- Ask the question.

Dick- Is Peter already in the building?

F.R.I.D.A.Y- Peter is with his group in the cafeteria having lunch before contining the tour.

Percy- Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y. Let's go guys.

Dick- Let's go irritate Perce and mine cousin.

They all walked out of the floor, into the elevator to the floor where Peter should be. When they arrived they went to the area where the most sound came from.

Only to see something they didn't like.

To Be Continued

I am so sorry for uploading this chapter almost half a year later but I had some stuff going on that needed to be done first but here's a new chapter and I will try to post another a soon as possible after this. Hope you enjoyed...


The Flying Grayson Siblings -crossover-2020/-HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now