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I was walking back from the grocerie store to my shared apartment, which I share with Tucker and Jazz. On my way home I started to feel like I was being stalked, but when I turned around I saw nothing. I just shrugged it of and walked further. Until a group of 4 walked my way. 

Girl 1- Can we ask you something?

Sam- Sure, what can I do for you?

Girl 2- We are looking for this apartment  building, do you know were that.

Sam- Yeah, just follow me I need to go there to.

Girl 3- Thank you very much, mom would have killed if I was lost again.

Sam- No problem, what are your names, if I may ask?

Girl 1- My name is Thalia.

Girl 2- Artemis

Girl 3- My name is megan and the boy is Tim, He isn't very talketive.

Sam- My name is Sam nice to meet you.

They arrived at the building and seperated with a goodbye to their own level. When saw walked into the apartment she putted the groceries into the fridge and cupboard. When she was done she found a note on the bottem of the bag saying.

Meet us at the docks of xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx,  at 12 PM 


I was done searching for a new videogame o at to my collection and walked back to the apartment. On my way to the apartment building 5 boys walked up to me and asked me were the apartment building was, because they were visiting their grandmothers who all lived their, and they didn know the way. So I said to them to follow me because I lived in that aparment building. When we arrived they thanked me and walked to the elevator. I walked into the apartment and went to my room to start the game. When I openend my computer there was a message on it :

Meet us at the docks of xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx, at 12 PM 


Me and Dick were walking around the mall to find Jazz. Wally was still not prepared to do it so he went back to the apartment they rented for the team together with Nico and Conner. We were walking around the corner when we saw Jazz walking around. We walked to her and asked:

Percy- Can we ask you a question?

Jazz- Ofcourse

Dick- Are you by any chance Jazz Fenton. We would like to speak about something with you.

Jazz- D-did I do something wrong?

Percy- No, no, we just wanted to ask some questions about your brother, Daniel Fenton?

Dick- We wanted to ask you if you could meet us at this adress so we can talk about him.

Dick gives Jazz the note.

Jazz- Okay at what time you want to meet me there

Dick- 12 am sharp. we will see you there, we have a surprise for you.

Jazz- Before you go may I know your names?

Dick/Percy- Richard and Persephone Grayson.


When they said that they left only leaving a few dropplets of water. Jazz walked back home shocked and confused. How did they know her brother.













~~Timeskip to 11:55 pm~~

Jazz, Tucker and Sam Were standing outside of the abonded house waiting for Percy and Richard to meet them there. They were looking around for were they could be, when a flash of yellow distrected them. After that they saw more people appear around them.

KidFlash- It's really her.

To Be Continued

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