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byun baekhyun, of course, healed from his injury after a while of waiting. however, as he was only four at the time, the scars were more serious, though not physical.

the four-year-old was left with a bad stutter, which was okay with him at first. until he had to move schools due to bullying.

baekhyun started being bullied for his stutter when he was ten but kept quiet about it until he was fourteen. to be honest, he didnt know why he did, but he really wasnt planning on saying anything at first.

around the age of twelve baekhyun slowly began to go quiet. he stopped talking to friends. he stopped raising his hand. he stopped answering teachers. he even stopped talking to his parents. and even though they tried to get him to speak once again through many ways –bribing, punishing, begging– baekhyun did not budge. for a while, even, he slept with no door in the doorframe and no pillow for his head.

he refused.

until baekhyun broke down crying when he was fourteen. he had enough. even though he was silent, people persisted. a few whispered words, a few quiet laughs, a few smiles and a few waves hurt more then he thought they would. the way their stares bored holes into his skull, the way their laughs caused his heart to stop, the way their smiles nagged at him and the way their waves were all like a slap in the face. byun baekhyun was being pushed over the edge. and no one was there to pull him back up when he fell.

byun baekhyun became selectively mute due to the things peers had done. 

they pulled him down to the bottom of the deepest oceans with a weight tied around his ankles, and he had to cut off his feet to survive.

and instead he cut off his whole leg.

SONG INSPO:: done with you - bubbles
"i said have you got any plans tonight?
                            you said yeah i got an event."


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