Lincoln's Revenge

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Luan: Alright so does everyone know the plan?
All of the sisters(except Lily because she's a baby)were there.
Luna: Lynn and Lori go out and threaten him, while me and Leni pretend to defend him.
Lana: Then me, Lola, and Lucy tackle him while he's distracted, hold him down and tie him up.
Luan: Then me and Lisa get the stuff and dump it on Lincoln, he'll be so upset he'll run away forever. We'll finally be rid off him for good. Alright let's do this!!!
The sisters started their plan, the whole while there parents were watching and couldn't wait for what was about to happen.
Lynn: Hey Stinkon!(she is holding a bat) Me and Lori are going to teach you a lesson for ruining our lives!
Lori: Yeah! I'm gonna-
Luna: Hold it! Guys, he's already been stuck outside, I don't think you need to go further.
Leni: Yeah I agree with her, don't step any further.
Lincoln: Thanks Luna and Leni, I guess you 2 aren't as bad as-
He was tackled and tied up, then Lynn hit him with her bat.
Lynn: Alright Luan and Lisa! Go! Now!
Lisa and Luan came out carrying out a container of a glowing green liquid that Lisa made in her lab and dumped it on Lincoln. Then everyone laughed.
Luna: Did you really think me and Leni would defend you?! Hahaha!
Lincoln just layed there on the ground, covered in the green goo. Then all of a sudden his eyes began to glow. He felt weird and noticed he was growing bigger and also growing a tail and scales and spikes. His teeth turned sharp and he grew claws and wings. Lincoln then let out a combination of a roar and hiss. He had turned into a reptilian monster that was about 10 feet tall.
Lynn: Oh shit, RUN!!!
The sisters ran but Lincoln caught Lori and Lynn and ripped their heads off with their spines still attached. While he was doing that the other Loud sisters made it to the door, but Lincoln shot 2 spikes from his tail and impaled Lana and Lola against the wall. The rest made it inside.
Luna: WHAT...THE...FUCK!?!
Lisa: It appears the liquid substance I created in my lab had some unintended side effects on our brother.
Luan: No shit sherlock.
Then their parents came in.
Rita: Don't worry, we'll prote-
Lincoln crashed through the door and spit acid at his mom.
Rita: Aaaaahhhhh!!!
Lynn Sr.: HONEY!!!
Sisters: MOM!!!
Lincoln: 1 parent and 4 sisters down, 1 parent and 5 sisters left. Alright, who's next?
Everyone tried to run except for Lynn Sr. who tried to stab Lincoln with a knife but that had no affect. Lincoln then bit his head off.
Lincoln: Ew, tastes like bad parenting.
Meanwhile the remaining sisters tried to run to the front door but they realized Lincoln locked them in.
Luna: What do we do now?
Lisa: If we lead him to my lab, we can drop him in acid and completely dissolve him.
Luan: Great! Let's-uh I'm too freaked out to make a joke so let's just do it!!!
Luan was then grabbed by her throat by Lincoln using his tail and began to choke her. The rest of the siblings ran.
Lincoln: I don't think you'll be doing anything, and I bet with my tail having spikes this really hurts.
Luna then came back with her guitar and swung it at Lincoln. He just stared at her.
Lincoln: Really? MY TURN!!!
Lincoln tried to bite her but Lisa threw some blinding powder in his eyes.
Lincoln: Ah! This doesn't hurt but can't see! Just wait till I get this stuff off.
Lisa: Actually, thatvis meant to be perman-
Lincoln tore out his eyeballs and grew 2 new ones.
Lisa: Oh...we should get to my lab now.
Lincoln then dropped Luan's dead body and ran towards his sisters trying to bite them. But they managed to lock themselves in the lab.
Leni: Is everyone ok?
Luna: He grazed my arm when he tried to bite me, but it's only a small cut.
Lisa: Let me see.
Luna showed her and her cut was oozing green and red and swollen.
Lisa: I'm afraid a small graze was all that was needed for the venom to take affect.
Luna: I'M GONNA DIE!!!
Lisa: Not if I can get a sample of Lincoln's venom and make an antidote.
Lincoln then crashed the the door.
Lincoln: Really? Good luck trying. And Leni, Luna, just know this. I'm gonna make sure you 2 die painfully because you tricked me into thinking you cared about me. Lucy and Lisa, you 2 I'll don't know. I'll come up with something.
Then he spat sticky goo and pinned all of them against a wall.
Lincoln: Now that I've got you where I want you, who should I kill first? Leni or Luna? You know what, my venom will slowly and painfully kill you Luna. So Leni, you're up!!!
Lincoln pulled Leni out of the goo and used his claws to cut of all her skin except for the skin on her head.
Lincoln: Now let's see, tear this apart. Use some spit to hold it together and TA DA! A SHIRT MADE OF LENI'S SKIN.
Luna: You sick bast-
Luna then threw up blood and chucks of organs.
Luna: Uugghh...I feel horrible.
Lincoln: Oh I was able to alter my venom to give it healing properties. So that's why you're not dead but 3 spikes and some acidic venom should fix that. 1...2...3!!!(everytime he shot a spike he said a number). Now, for the finale.
He spat acid at Leni and she melted. Luna then started to bleed blood and organs out her mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. Eventually after a long while she was just skin and bones. Her eyes and tongue had also fallen out.
Lincoln: Lisa, before I finish you I want to say thanks. Because of you I'm now super powerful!!! Any last words? Hmm?
Lisa: Yes. You are the one who will die.
Lincoln: (laughter)What!?! How are you-
Lisa: While you have been torturing our 2 older siblings. I managed to reach one of my controls and goodbye.
She pressed a button and Lincoln fell into a pit of acid.
Lisa: Finally, now I can...
Then Lincoln jumped out.
Lisa: Impossible...
Lincoln: So, you choose acid as your form of death? Ok, whatever you say, sister.
Lincoln threw her into the acid and she dissolved to bone.
Lincoln: Well, you're the only one left. And I finally came up with an idea. I'M CHEW YOU UP THEN SPIT YOU OUT LUCY LOUD!!!
He ripped her off the wall then chewed her up like bubble gum. Then spat her into a trash can.
Lincoln: Well, with that over, only one thing left to do.
Lincoln went to Lily's crib and lifted her up and flew away with her into the night sky. He dropped her off at an orphanage without anyone noticing him.
Lincoln: Good bye. Your the only sister who I'm actually happy to be related to.
Lincoln then flew off to live the rest of his life somewhere else





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