Smell of Snow

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Arm over arm we plunge

into slap-in-the-face cold:

Grey shades swishing

a stone's throw

from the edge.

Stiff brine

below ripples

like a hungry mouth.

Our sun-seeking tendrils retract, and through

atrophied gills we sluice foggy soggy mists.

Dumb numb down in the bone 

dampens enthusiasms,

inverts extraneous extremities,

paralyses our tongues

bent over themselves

to conserve

their memory

of warmth.


Now and again, Sun lifts

its heavy head and sparks auditory

images: crisp Fall breezes,

laughter in the woods,

golden leaves

crunching underfoot.

Lightening-quick birds flit through

time's passage, turning over

first this leaf then that.

In the mud

reptilian claws 

leave behind starvation's

delicate lacework.


now called survival

...will have to see us through.

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