Late night visits

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Harry Potter sat crisscrossed underneath his sheets, a spark of light erupting from the end of his wand which was clenched in his mouth. He had been reading A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot for his essay on witch burning from the 14th century. Most children with a task like this would dread the whole experience, while Harry seemed to not mind one bit. He enjoyed it actually.

Ever since he had stepped foot into the house on Number 4 Privet drive, the young boy was stripped from ever Hogwarts and magical related thing he owned and stashed away in the staircase closet he once called a room. Fortunately for the both of them, Hedwig was aloud to stay in Harry's now upgraded space he was gifted last year.

A rustle was to be heard from outside the raven haired boys door, signifying someone was awake. Quickly, Harry screwed the cap of the ink back on and rolled up his parchment. He could write it another day, besides, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Coming back up from underneath the covers, Harry laid on his side, his back facing the door, and pretended to sleep.

Just in time for Vernon Dursley to squeak open the beige door. He looked at his nephew suspiciously before closing the door again and heading back to his bedroom.

With a sign, Harry sat up from his bed and tiptoed towards the door, making sure he skipped the floor boards that creaked under his weight. Locking his rooms entrance, he smiled to himself. As Harry walked towards the window, sudden flashbacks of the previous year came flooding back to him. He was shorter then, still skinny but less matured. Harry thought of how his best friend Ron and the Weasley twins, Fred and George had managed to fly their fathers car out to Privet Drive, rescue Harry from the prison he lived in and take the boy with them all the way to the Burrow.

Harry still say small cracks in the walls, signifying the metal bars that his uncle had once installed. They were long gone now however, I distant memory.

Sticking his head out the window, Harry felt the nights cool breeze sweep along his face, rustling his hair as it went east. It was times like these when he felt most alone, yet peaceful all at the same time. A beep came form his watch, telling him that it had now been one hour exactly since turning thirteen. A grin spread itself handsomely along the young mans face, slowly to be erased when seeing a rather large dark clump flying towards him.

Since being home, Uncle Vernon never stopped complaining on how loud Harry's bird, Hedwig was a night. Harry pleaded that all she needed was to be let out of her cage but the man still disagreed. It took four days for Vernon to finally cave, lacking on the eight hours he needed to use for sleep. Now, Harry had let her go. She was gone for two days, which was normal but he still felt anxious on her arrival. Harry hoped she was safe.

The dark figure heaved over its weight, flying dangerously close the ground before swooping into Harry room and landing on top of his bed.

There sat three owls. The middle one was a shaggy brown barn owl, currently passed out and being held up by his companions. Hedwig chirped happily to Harry, playfully nipping at his thumb. "Hi" he whispered to the bird. Harry picked up the barn owl gently and moved him over to his beloved pets cage. It woke up slightly and began to drink the water Harry had laid out for him. With Hedwig joining him, Harry turned to face the third owl, a proud and large breasted creature who hooted with a low tone. Noticing it's foot, a letter was tied to its ankle, glossy from the Hogwarts crest that rested upon the centre.

Once free from the envelope, the owl hooted twice more before swiftly flying out Harry's window. He watched the wings spread from the mammals body, swooping up and down delicately as though it seemed to be flying off into the moon shone night. For a couple of seconds, Harry forgot all about the other two birds, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath. Then, reality hit and he was dropped back into his bedroom, checking to see if the two were ok.

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