Chapter 14

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"Milo, come try this." I hear Nelson from the kitchen.

I get up from the couch, leaving behind some of my legal work papers and walk to the kitchen, where I see Zoe leaning on the counter from her chair, watching Nelson excitedly as he stirs something in a pot on a stove.

"What do you want me to try?" I ask, approaching him.

He takes a spoonful of the food he's making, and blows on it a few times carefully before slowly moving it towards my lips.

I open my mouth, taking in the delicious tasting food. I practically moaned at how good it was.

"It's amazing." I tell him honestly, and Nelson smiles, putting the spoon back in the pot and giving it a few more stirs.

"Thank you love." He leans over and I give him a quick kiss, smiling halfway through it.

"Ew!" I hear Zoe, and I look back at her covering her eyes with her hands.

"Someday Zoe, you wont think it's so gross." I tell her honestly, and she takes her head, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"No way." She declines, and I just look over to Nelson who's laughing at Zoe's denial.

I hear my phone begin to ring where I left it in the t.v. room, and I quickly excuse myself to go check and see who it is.

Brennan's name flashed across the screen. I reluctantly slide open my phone to accept the call.

"What's up?" I ask casually. Maybe a little too casually.

Don't get comfortable with him, Milo. I silently scold myself

"What the fuck is this list Milo?" I hear him and his harsh tone blare through my phone.

"What li- Oh! That list." I sit down on my couch

"Yeah, that list. Is this some sort of joke?"

"No, it's not. If you want to be her dad you're going to need to earn it. You've met her already, but I need to be sure you want to stick around." I tell him sternly, and I hear him sigh in frustration over the phone line.

"What about the last one? Don't fall in love? I already love Zoe, and I have since I found out she was mine. You can't withhold me from that feeling."

"It's not for Zoe, Brennan. You can love her all you want. I'm asking you to not fall in love with me."

The other end goes silent, I don't hear a retort from him at all.

"Same goes for me. It's not just you. I'm in a committed relationship with Nelson, and our relationship as parents to Zoe should be nothing but professional."

"What happens if i don't agree? Or fail to follow the 'rules'?" Brennan finally asks.

"You don't see Zoe. Simple as that."

"I can't follow these forever, you know. Some of these are completely ridiculous." I can hear him practically talking through his teeth.

"I suppose you're right. We can make some of them temporary for now." I shrug. That didn't really sound like a bad idea at all.

"For how long? And which ones?" He sighs.

"Don't know. Until we agree for them to be gone I guess. And which ones do you think should be temporary?" I open up my laptop and look at the draft of the list I made on a separate document.

"5-12." He instantly tells me.

I narrow my eyes. 12 was the last rule. What the hell was he trying to play at?

"Brennan," I warn. "5-11."

"No! Technically all of them should be temporary. This entire list is ridiculous and not legally binding. Why should I even feel motivated to follow them? This isn't elementary school."

"The last one is the most important. This relationship should not be personal, only professional. And you'll follow them if you want Zoe in your life." I cross my free arm over my chest and lean back into the couch cushion.

I hear him take a deep breath and I can bet you right now he's trying to keep his temper at bay. "Fine. I agree to these stupid rules."

"They're not stupid." I retorted immediately.

"They are, and I stand by that fact. But i'll follow them for Zoe's benefit." Brennan sounds defeated yet determined at the same time.

"Great, glad we can agree on that. Now I have to go. Let me know soon on your decision about that studio apartment." I request of him, and he mumbles an okay before we both hung up the call.

I smile in satisfaction. That conversation actually went a lot better than I had expected.

I set my phone down and go back into the kitchen, where Nelson was helping Zoe set down plates, napkins and utensils for the dinner he had made.

My mind trails to the scenario of it being Brennan instead of Nelson. Would he be just as kind as Nelson is to Zoe? I shake my head. Of course he would be kind to Zoe. The only difference is he's not in a relationship with me like Nelson is.

Also, why am I even fantasizing of Brennan, Zoe, and I being a happy go lucky family anyways? Professional relationship only.

"Hey, just in time. Dinners ready." Nelson looks over to me, and I smile.

"You're the best. Seriously, thank you so much."

We all sit down, and I put tiny amounts of food on Zoe's plate that she'll actually eat and not be super picky about. I prepare it for her to be able to eat without a problem as well, no big chunks or anything like that.

"So, I was offered a high paying job." Nelson jumps in, and I look up from my plate, raising an eyebrow.

"You already work for an oil company. Isn't that high paying enough?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head. "It's a decent raise. The only problem is that i'll be working on an oil rig." He slowly says, and my eyes go wide.

"An oil rig? Are you serious Nelson?" I feel my heart aching in my chest, not wanting him to go anywhere and leave.

"It's only for a couple of months, then I'll be home." He takes a small bite of food.

"Did you already agree?" I almost whimper.

Snap out of it, don't sound so pathetic.

"No, god no. I wouldn't accept it without at least telling you first and wanting to know your thoughts on it." He reaches his hand across the table, and I intertwine my fingers with his.

"That's a dangerous job." I say quietly, looking worriedly at him.

He nods. "I know. But it's only for a few weeks, then i'll be right back here." He squeezes my hand.

"You're going to go regardless of what I say, aren't you?" I look down at our joined hands.

I barely hear him give me a small yes. I swallow the lump in my throat, nodding.

"Promise you'll be careful? And you'll call often?" I look back up into Nelson's brown eyes, and he nods comfortingly.


I take my hand away and grab my fork, digging into the delicious food.

Even though we quickly switched to a happier and easier topic to talk about, my mind couldn't stop wondering why people leave me for the rest of the night.

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