Chapter 31

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I rush into the bathroom, quickly hunching over the toilet and throwing up my lunch.

Second day back at work, and this pregnancy was already kicking my ass.

I still couldn't even believe I was pregnant, by the same guy I vowed to myself when I was younger that I would never get involved with again.

Yet here I was, hunched over another toilet, pregnant with his second kid.

"Milo?" I hear Kimmy knock at the door to the bathroom, and I'm too busy dealing with a second wave of nausea to respond.

So when I'm throwing up once again, she invited held in, quickly rubbing my back and trying her best to sooth me.

When my body finally feels like it's done for the next little bit, I reach up and quickly flush the toilet.

I take a deep breath and sit up, looking at Kimmy.

"What's going on? You've been sick like this for the past few days." She asks me, clearly concerned.

I haven't told anyone I was pregnant. I guess I still felt like it wasn't real and that I just have the flu.

"Food poisoning?" I try, and Kimmy raises a brow.

Ok yeah, she wasn't going to let this go.

"I'mpregnant." I say quickly, and she shakes her head, clearly not understanding what I'm trying to (not) tell her.

"When I was in the hospital, the doctor told me I was, uh, pregnant?" I tell her, phrasing it more as a question rather than an answer.

Kimmy stares at me blankly, her brain processing the information I spilled to her.

Then, she grows a huge smile. "Are you for real?! Oh my god I'm gonna be an aunt again!"

"Why do people say 'again'? You're still going to be an aunt." I shake my head, and she quickly hugs me.

Honestly, I've never understood why when a second or third kid comes along, people say they're going to be parents again, or cousins again. Like, they were already parents or cousins in the first place, nothing is changing besides a new baby.

"Let me be excited whore," Kimmy gently taps the side of my head, also as a form of a slap. "I'm assuming the baby is Brennan's?"

I bite my lip and nod.

"Hon, you have to talk to him." Kimmy let's go, her arms no longer wrapped around me.

And there we were like old times, sitting on the bathroom floor, gossiping about people who affected our lives in one way or another.

"He hasn't come around." I shrug, and she glares at me. "What? Why are you glaring at me like that when I'm telling you the truth?"

"So he hasn't come around? Are you sure he hasn't called or texted? Maybe even came by when you were asleep and you didn't wake up?"

I sigh. "Yes, he's been calling and messaging me, but no, he hasn't come around to my place yet."

She gives a faraway look, and I can tell she's diving into her thought process. But I wasn't going to let her overthink my problems.

"Stop it." I hit her upper arm lightly.

Kimmy jumps. "Stop what?"

"Worrying about my shit! You have a half day and your wedding is tomorrow. You have enough on your plate already." I explain, and it takes everything in me not to add on a little 'duh' at the end.

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