Chapter 37

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"Hey, sorry I came here as fast as I could." Brennan rushed into the room, and immediately calmed down when he saw me on the doctors office bed.

He leaned down and kissed me, and I smiled.

"Don't worry about it, you came right on time and didn't miss anything." I reassured him after he pulled away.

"That's good. I can't miss discovering our baby's gender." He pulls a chair from behind him and sits down, taking one of my hands in both of his.

The door opens and the doctor walks in. She's an older woman, her brown hair graying lightly at her roots.

She had warm brown eyes, wrinkles at the corners showing that she smiled a lot and was overall a very happy person.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Ramiro, it's nice to finally meet you Milo." She holds out her hand, and I shake it.

"And I'm assuming you're the father?" Ramiro looks over to Brennan, and he nods. They shake hands as well before she sits down on the other side of me and brings a computer towards her.

"Alright. The files told me you're here for a checkup and to know the gender of your baby, if that's correct?" She looks over to Brennan and I, and we both nod.

"If you can just lift your shirt up for me and lower the hem of your pants a bit further down." Ramiro instructs, and I do exactly that, my bump clearly showing.

It wasn't big, but it was there. I could easily hide it with a baggy shirt if I felt like it.

She brings out the ultrasound gel, and I brace myself for the refrigerated cold on my skin.

I watch Brennan as he's staring at my bump, and a smile grows on his face.

Ramiro puts the ultrasound wand on my stomach, and looks at the monitor, moving it around for a minute before stopping.

She presses a button on they keyboard, and the sound of a healthy heartbeat fills the room.

"Heartbeat sounds good," she begins, and I sigh in relief.

"And right there is the head...spine..." she begins pointing out different parts of the baby on the screen, and Brennan lifts my hand up, pressing his lips against the back of my hand gently.

"Your baby is very healthy. Nothing is wrong and you two are right on track with this pregnancy. After this appointment we can discuss the glucose tests and set those up for you." Ramiro looks back at me and smiles, and I just give a nod.

I hated the glucose tests. They give you this liquid to drink while your pregnant, and they run tests and evaluate your baby's glucose levels with it. Another health precaution, but it sucked and the different flavored liquids tasted weird and gross.

"Alright, would you guys like to know the gender?" She pressed a button in the keyboard, and took a photo of what it showed to be printed out to us later.

"Please." Brennan spoke quickly, and I laughed. I'm going to tease him about this later.

"Your baby is a..."


I look down at Zoe in my lap, and I see that her eyes are closed and she's fast asleep.

Tangled was almost over, and I decided to just let the movie finish as I wait to put her to bed and wait for Brennan to come back home from his shift.

Right on cue, I hear the front door being unlocked with a key, and Brennan walks in, immediately seeing me.

I put a finger over my mouth, and then point to Zoe.

He nods in understanding, and shuts the door softly, locking it.

He sets down his paramedic bag and walks as quietly as he could towards me, kissing my cheek when he was close enough.

He sits down next to me on the couch, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Tangled?" He whispers, and I nod.

"It's always tangled, don't be so surprised." I hold back a laugh, and he smiles in amusement.

He begins to run his fingers softly through Zoe's golden blonde hair, and his eyes turn towards the tv, just in time to see Maximus help Eugene out from the prison by running away from the palace guards.

I rest my head against his shoulder, his paramedic outfit being made of fabric that wasn't so soft.

My eyes slowly close and the sounds coming from the tv fade out.

Next thing I know is that my eyes open slightly as I feel myself being carried off the couch.

I wrap my hands around, what I assume, Brennan's neck as he carries me bridal style back to our room.

He sets me down gently on the bed, and I drift off into sleep once again as I hear him go into the bathroom to shower.

I don't dream tonight, it's just the comforting black and a peaceful silence to surround me.

When I open my eyes once again, it's a few hours later, and it was to Brennan's phone buzzing.

It wakes him up as well, and he slides the accept call without looking at who it was.

"Hello?" He mumbled, clearly still half asleep.

I hear a faint voice on the other end, and he quickly sits up, now wide awake.

I rub my eyes and prop myself up with one arm, watching him carefully.

"What do you want?" Brennan asks stiffly.


"You have no right to be calling me." He says angrily, and I reach out my free hand, rubbing his back to try and keep him calm.

"Of course you want to." He says, practically annoyed.

Then he goes silent for a while, listening to the person on the other end talk.

"Let me think about it. I'm not agreeing to anything."

I sit up and give him a curious look.

"I'll call you later and let you know. I need to go back to sleep now." He glanced to me, and I raise an eyebrow.

I hear the faint voice again, and then he takes away the phone from his ear and drops the call.

"Who was that?" I ask, and he just wraps his arms around me, laying us back down.

"My parents." He grits out.

"What did they want?" I hesitantly ask, knowing it was a touchy subject.

"To have dinner."

Oh god.

(Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I put a message on my board explaining I wasn't going to update on thanksgiving due to it being a holiday -despite the horrible backstory of it- and wanting the chance to unplug for a bit.

Anyways, question of the day! What color lightsaber would you yield?

Mine would either have to be Red or Purple. I've been a lover of the Sith since I was four years old and have always kinda stuck with it haha)

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