Chapter 32

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I woke up due to feeling sick, and I quickly hopped off of the couch I was sleeping on and rushed to the nearest bathroom- which thankfully wasn't the one in my room.

I close the door behind me and lock it, still feeling like I have a small window to do that before I puke my guts out.

I quickly hunch over the toilet and let go, my body instantly feeling a tiny amount of relief.

I hate being sick pregnant.

I quickly finished though, not feeling sick for too long this morning. At least that's a good sign. Hopefully I won't be throwing up all day today.

I stand up, flushing the toilet and walking over to the sink to wash my mouth out of the nasty taste.

Once I'm done I make my way over to the kitchen, quickly looking in the fridge and in my pantry for things to make breakfast with. A breakfast that I won't vomit up, per say.

I settle for cereal, and begin to make myself a bowl. And yes, cereal goes first.

I settle down on the couch, it is still fairly early and I don't expect anyone, even Zoe, to really be awake yet. Plus there's no way I'm going back to sleep.

I turn in the t.v and begin to watch Criminal Minds, starting on where I last left off.

After an episode and a half, and two cereal bowls later, I hear a door creak open in the hallway, and the little feet patters I instantly recognize as Zoe's begins to tip tap down the hall.

She emerges from the hall, bed head and a blanket in one of her arms.

I pat the couch cushion next to me, and she quickly comes running up on the furniture, and rests her head in my lap.

And I actually begin to doze off. Maybe watching Zoe go back to sleep made me sleepy as well.

But I didn't doze off for that long, as I was woken up by some shouts coming from down the hall, emerging from my room.

I carefully adjusted Zoe, not wanting to wake her up when she had just fallen back asleep.

I get up and walk to my room, opening the door and pausing, seeing a tossing and turning Brennan.

He does have nightmares.

"Stop!" He shouts, and that's what quickly snaps me back into the present, and I rush to his side, shaking him on the shoulders.

"Brennan. Brennan wake up." I quickly try to shake him awake, because as mad as I am at him right now, I can't bear to hear him shouting and dreaming of something that isn't good.

He quickly opens his eyes, and they're glancing around very confused. Finally, they settle on me, and I can see him visibly relax, and he pulls me into him.

I let him, and even though he's more relaxed, he's still shaking.

His arms are tightly wrapped around my waist, his head tucked in my shoulder. He feels cold, but slightly damp from sweat, which is expected and normal from a nightmare.

I wrap my arms around him as well, one of my hands traveling to his head subconsciously, and softly rests in his hair.

"You're alright." I tell him, and he gives a soft nod, me barely being able to feel it.

I close my eyes and hug him tighter, and his shaking begins to slowly calm down, and his body cooling down as well.

I begin to think of ways to help him with these in the future, ways to calm him down. But I'm also wondering what is causing them and wondering what they are about in the back of my head.

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