Chapter 33

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"Make sure that the flowers are placed at the end of each row. No! Not like that..." I smile to myself passing by Kimmy's wedding planner, Brennan right next to me.

"Weddings are super stressful. Like why do people even have them?" He questions, and I could tell by the tone of his voice that it was more a question for himself rather than for me.

"That's for you to figure out." I respond, giving a small shrug, careful of Zoe in my arms.

We pass by bustling workers in the greenhouse like area, and I begin to lead the way to another building used for bathrooms, dressing rooms, things like that.

"So what are you again? The best man?" Brennan asks, a light tone on the second question.

"I'm the fucking Dad. Kimmy's my best friend, and it's my choice on who to pass her onto. James is just lucky I tolerate him."

Brennan's mouth drops, and he quickly begins laughing.

"So you think I'm kidding?" Zoe chuckles at my response back, and Brennan's laugh quickly ceases.

"Oh my god you're finally here!" I hear Kimmy exclaim, her arms spear open as she welcomes me into a hug.

I quickly hug her back, and I could tell how nervous and excited she was about today.

"You already look stunning." I pull back, and she smiles, the natural makeup making her glow already more than she normally does.

"Bitch I know. I'm just ready for the curlers to come out of my hair." She chuckles, and I smile.

"Zoe and I are going to go find a place to sit." I hear Brennan say from behind, and I turn around and nod at him. He reaches his arms out and takes Zoe from me.

"I reserved seats for you two in the front row." Kimmy tells Brennan, and he nods in understanding.

I see them turn and leave to go get seated, and I look back to Kimmy.

"Does he know?" She asks immediately, in a hushed voice.

I hesitate, and she sighs, followed by a roll of her eyes.

"Milo, stop being a pussy and tell him that you're pregnant."

"I'm not sure how." I mumble.

"What do you mean you're not sure how? Just tell him you're having another baby."

"It's more nerve wracking than that Kimmy. I feel like I'd have to plan a special way to announce it or something." I explain, fiddling with my fingers.

"You don't have to plan anything special, because just telling him is going to make it exactly that. So you either find a way to tell him soon, or it'll come out and bite you in the ass." She tells me seriously, and all I could do is nod.

Sometime today, I'll try to find a way to tell him.


I smiled from the table I was seated at, watching Zoe jump around and wave her arms as Brennan danced carefully next to her.

It was later in the night, and it felt as if the whole day was a blur.

My hands played with the top of a Champaign class, the golden colored liquid glimmering back at me.

I haven't taken a sip of alcohol, in case you were worried about that. I just had it with my dinner so it didn't raise suspicion.

Stupid, I know.

But I kept my mind off of it as I watched the two people I loved the most dance together.

My whole body froze with that thought.

Brennan carefully had ahold of Zoe's hands as they danced together, and she giggled loudly as it all happened.

At that moment I knew I needed them both in my life, despite how we acted towards each other. Of course it's going to take some time to heal after knowing the fact of what Brennan has done, but I'm sick of being cautious and scared of something that I needed.

Thoughts quickly overwhelmed and consumed my mind, and I felt like I couldn't breathe properly in a crowded area like this.

I stood up and left the table, ready for a breath of fresh air to clear my mind.

As soon as I felt the fresh night air envelop me, I immediately felt much calmer. It was something about being outside that just helped calm most of my nerves.

"Milo?" I hear Kimmy come up from behind me, carefully calling out.

"What are you doing out here? Are you alright?"

I just shrug, before nodding. "Yeah, I suppose I'm alright."

"You suppose?" She puts a shawl over her shoulders, due to it being chilly and she's in a dress with lace as sleeves.

"I'm scared to tell him because I'm scared of loosing him." I blurt out, and she looks taken aback.

"You're never going to loose him, Milo." She reassures me gently.

I don't say anything as I let her pull me into a slight side hug, her hand rubbing my arm comfortingly.

We both stay silent for a while, looking up into the night sky at the different constellations.

"You know, I think it's going to be a boy." I tell Kimmy honestly, and I feel her laugh.

"Why is that?"

"Because I already have Zoe." My eyes don't wonder away from the sky, but I feel her glance at me.

"I think Zoe should have a sister. So I'm placing my bets on a girl."

"Are you saying it's a girl to challenge me, or because you actually think it's a girl?" I ask, a light humor to my voice.

"A little bit of both." We both laugh at her answer, and we pull apart.

"There you guys are. I've been looking for you everywhere." We both turn to see James, and Kimmy goes to him, taking ahold of his hand.

"We just needed a moment away. Hope that's alright." She explains calmly, and he nods.

"It's cake time, so let's go shove frosting in each other's faces." James leads her back inside the venue as she laughs, and I decide to not follow.

I begin walking around outside and eventually find a bench swing to rest on, and I tuck my knees close to my chest, still looking into the night sky and letting the sounds of crickets and the soft wind soothe my nerves.

How do I know when the right time to tell him is? What do I do when he reacts in a way I'm not expecting?

"Jesus Milo, I've been looking for you everywhere." I turn when I hear Brennan's voice, and an exhausted Zoe in his arms.

"Sorry, I just needed some time to think." I watch him as he sits down next to me, careful not to disturb Zoe, who was trying to fall asleep.

"Think about what?" He asks curiously.

"Life stuff I guess."

"Ah, life stuff. The deep thinking." His response makes me laugh.

"Deep thinking. Like what I want to eat in the morning." I play along, and Brennan chuckles.

Once the laughter dies down between us, we both sit on the bench in peace. Although the nawing feeling in my chest practically ate at me.

"Brennan, I'm pregnant."


(Ight guys, place your bets. Boy or Girl?)

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