The truth

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A month later,

Ash now sleeping on his bed peacefully but , Pikachu has another through with powerful thunderbolt ash was on floor with ashes.

Ash:- thank you pika..chu * as he walk towards bathroom *

Pikachu then goes down in kitchen where ash's mom have a ketchup bottle in her hand and give it to pikachu

D.k:- thanks again pikachu for waking him up for me* with smile*

Pikachu:- pika.pika * making thumb *

Ash then come down and look at pikachu and his mom making there daily deal .* it be a month as his mom is giving pikachu ketchup and pikachu is waking up ash with thunderbolt

Ash:- mom can you stop make pikachu thunderbolt on me please..* with pout *

Mom :- if you wake up daily then it's a deal* with a wink she start walking towards kitchen to make breakfast *

Ash sign and sit on chair waiting breakfast get ready.

A few hour later,

Ash was walking towards prof oak lab. As he was walking a person was watching them and was walking behind them .

Ash knock on prof oak's lab door and after few second prof oak open door.

P.o:- ash my boy what are doing here .

Ash :- p.o i am here to meet my pokemon and where is gary

P.o :- ok and gary is in sinnoh region researching on pokemon.

Ash:- ok and tell me when he going to return because there is a battle left between me and him * making a fist*

P.o smile at ash childish behaviour

P.o:- ok ash come in

As ash move towards back of lab. A earthquake started .

Ash ok toward his left and saw all his pokemon running ,flying, rolling coming toward him and a ...blast

Ash was now under 24 to 30 pokemon .

When all pokemon let ash go he was on ground because of bayleaf.

When he stand on his feet gabite and totodile bite him on head and arm

When his all was end ash laughs with his pokemon .they start play , training ,
Tell story of new adventure and some old one .

* it been month ash come to lab and play with his pokemon *

After few hour, ash was walking towards forest where he first meet serena. He just stand there and hold gem in his hand .as he remember the promise he make when he was 6 year old


Ash is sit near the tree and serena with a sad look was looking at ash

Serena:- ash will you..*.sob.* come to find me when.... *sob*.. i will left you..

Ash:- i will and when find you i will never leave you.*with tears*

Serena:- promise...

Ash:- promise

Then serena run towards ash and hug him .

Serena:- will you do what we have promise?

Flashback end.,

Ash:- I will ....*.sob *

Pikachu then look ash with worried look.

Ash:-* smile at pikachu * don't worry i am ok

After some min

Ash was training with his pokemon in forest.He training from the day he come home and always look at the tree where she and he meet and about her .now he was training with pikachu

Ash:- pikachu thunderbolt and iron tale combine on that tree

As result pikachu make electric tale and smacked on tree and cut into two pieces

Ash:- awesome pikachu !!!! * pikachu make a thumb *

A same person was watching them and smile at ash, pikachu and start walking towards both of them

Person:-i cam tell that you are getting strong in battles

Ash then turn towards the person and smile

Ash :what are you here lance

Lance:- *smile*nothing but p.o tell me that you were home so i came to take a peck.

Ash :- so lance how about we have a battle a one on one battle

Lance :- i thougth you are not going to ask it .* as he released his Dragon type pokemon*go dragonite.

Ash:-let go pikachu.

Lance:- you can have first move.

Ash:- ok pikachu iron tale

Pikachu then jump high in air and his tale turn into steel.

Lance:- dragonite dragon claw

Both strike each other .they were trying to push each other but suddenly dragonite use his another claw amd it hit pikachu and was send flying back at tree and boom.when dust was clear pikachu was trying to stand up but he failed because Dragonite fire a hyper beam and Pikachu fall on ground .

Ash:-pikachu are you alright.(Pikachu stand up and give a thumb and Ash smile)

Ash:- ok pikachu volt tackle.

Lance:-dragonite use dragon breath .

Ash:- Pikachu double team then use iron tale.

Pikachu double was able to do it work and Pikachu hit Dragonite on head. Dragonite was push a little bit

Ash :- now use electro ball

Pikachu hit Dragonite on chest and Dragonite was paralyzed from it

Ash:- alright use thunder bolt

Lance:-that was fun but it is over now Dragonite mega evolve

Dragonitefree for paralyse and use a hyper beam and Pikachu fadad and Ash run towards Pikachu

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free for paralyse and use a hyper beam and Pikachu fadad and Ash run towards Pikachu

Ash:- you did great pikachu take rest* ash hold pikachu in his arms*

Lance:- *return his Dragonite and walking towards ash how have pikachu his arms *you are real getting strong but you were thinking about something else and it was disturbing you

Ash:- it nothing

Lance:- *smile *you are strong ash and brave but your mind is some where else

Ash:- thanks lance

Lance:- ok i have to go prof oak I have some work

Ash:- *he is real very strong * as lance walked towards lab

Ash thoughts:-*how he know it that I was thinking about you Serena did he knows the truth.?

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