I will be your wings.

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At morning,

Serena opened her eyes and saw Ash was hugging her. She blush but didn't move . She look at him for sec and smile . She then rest her head on Ash's Chest.

After some hour Ash open his eyes and saw Serena sleeping on his chest . He then look at clock .it was 9:35 a.m and camp's task will be announced at 10 a.m.

Ash:-*waking up Serena* Serena wake up or we will be late.

Serena opened her eyes for some sec and look at Ash. She then blush and get up from bed .

Serena:- Ash... I am sorry I was just...

Ash:-*smile* it's ok let's get ready for camp ok.

Serena blush and nod . She then walked towards girl's bathroom to get ready. and Ash to boy's bathroom.

At camp field.

All kids were chatting with each other and Ash was waiting for Serena to come for breakfast when Prof oak came .

Prof oak:- today we will be going to a hot air balloon for study flying type pokemon ok. So everyone get your bags ready . We will be going by a bus.

Everyone then started to run to their room to get their bag. Leaving Ash who was looking at Prof oak with sad look.

Ash :- where is Serena?.

Prof oak:- *smile*she is in her room.she is not going to come because  Her ankle was injured in morning.so nurse joy is taking care of her

Ash:- ok Then I will be not going with you . Serena will feel lonely.

Prof oak:- nurse joy is there for her.

Ash:- I am not going.

Prof oak sign and look at Ash with smile.

Prof oak:- ok.

Ash was going to run but stop .

Ash:- *silly smile* can you tell me where is her room

Prof oak:-* laugh* Next to my office.

Ash then run towards Serena's room. When Ash reach Serena's room he knocked on door . He then heard "come in". He then opened the door and saw Serena lying bed with her leg hanging with a weight.

Serena:-*silly smile*Hello .....Ash.

Ash:-*sad look* what happened Serena.

Nurse joy then came for behind ash. With food.

Nurse joy:- she fall in Hall and her ankle was twisted.

Ash:- ok thank you Nurse joy.

Gary then came in with his friends

Gary :- Hi ashy boy . You are not coming.

Ash:-*fake smile*Hi gary yes I am not coming.

Gray:- you are pathetic and loser . and what you can do is sit and cry .so you don't have to come *laugh*

Gray and his friends then laugh at ash and leave the room

Serena:- Ash why you don't say anything to them.

Ash:- they are my friends so it's ok.

Nurse joy smile and given the food to Serena as she started to eat. Then Ash stomach growled. Nurse joy and serena laughed at Ash cuteness. Ash blush and laughed with them.

Nurse joy :- I will bring another plate.

Nurse joy then walked out of room to get food for Ash.

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