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Looking at his watch he knew it was Friday and he had to run or else he was going to be late, something he didn't want to be. Elena has been on a rage lately, on his way out of his last class at Georgetown University he sees Lara McKinsley who happens to be his neighbor, friend since the age of 2 and secret crush since 1st grade. When it came to her, Elena would have to wait Lara was way more important to him.

"Hey what's with the face? That look doesn't belong on my sugar plum face."

Lara sad face turns into a happy one, she knew that voice could only below Josh, the one guy that she wanted to see her as a irresistible treat. Josh has been the guy she has wanted since their sandbox days but no matter how many hints she gave off he never caught on. In her mind he must not see her that way, meaning she had to go else where to find her other half but every time she thinks finally, that other shoe falls and his true asshole color make an appearance.

"Josh, hey it's nothing I'll be okay and it looked like you were in a rush any way."

"So what if I was, your more important than that, now tell me what's wrong. Do you need me to beat someone up for you?"

Smiling and trying to hide her blush she let's him in on what just happened to her.

"I just walked in on Ethan cheating on me, I just don't understand why it seems like I can only attract assholes and counterfeit little boys claiming to be men."

Before Joshua could respond her phone rings which she looks at and sees it Ethan so of course ignores it.

Joshua knew that must have been the cheating ass wipe, he always knew that dude wasn't good enough for her all Ethan ever did was take.

"That was him?"

"Ya, he's trying to tell me it was only oral sex so it doesn't count as cheating, he been calling me none stop for the pass 4 hours. I know I could just change my number but that is such a hassle."

"Okay here what we can do, you take my cell I'll take yours for the day and by tomorrow I promise he wont being calling you any more."

"Don't you need it and what happens when one of girls call or something? Wouldn't that bad for you?"

"No, I don't have just random chicks calling my phone like that, if I did and they stop calling because you happen to answer it I wouldn't care."

Once they switch phone Joshua told her to stop by his parents tomorrow they could exchange phones and have lunch at her favorite diner. He told her if anything else happen with the Ethan jerk just to call him and she knew he would be there in a heart beat no matter what.

After finally parting ways from Lara he made his way to his car to go to the Elena's he knew he didn't have to worry about Elena calling his cell he uses a different phone when it comes to her. Elena is close friends with his parents so they knew to be careful when it came to hiding their communications with each other.

As he drove to her house he thought about his age, he was about 14 years old when Elena first started talking to him differently then his parents other friends, now at the age of 19 years old having to never been in an actual relationship with someone and finding out Lara was now single he was thinking of ending things with Elena. He hasn't been getting anything out of it except beat up, to him and he knew the relationship should have never started in the first place but now really what was the point? He refuses to be a punching bag to anyone let alone someone who was old enough to be his grandmother.

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