Dad #2 (Six)

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As the meeting to discuss Keith was coming to a close, Shiro's phone suddenly rang. It was Adam.

"Hey, babe. How's Keith?" Shiro asked.

" we got home and Keith got changed and stuff, but your mom is home from work early...I did what you said and made myself at home until you got here, but Keith isn't looking too good. Do you think he needs to take anything?" Adam asked.

Shiro's heart dropped. His mom worked almost constantly at the hospital to provide for Keith and Shiro, so she wasn't usually home much. And she took absolutely no time to talk to Keith and help him get over his fear of adults. She didn't want to have to provide for another mouth, and Keith knew that, which is another reason he was scared of her.

"What's his condition, what's he doing?" Shiro worriedly asked.

"I didn't want him to hear me calling you, so I'm in your room, but last I saw him, he was in his room on his bed with his knees up to his chest shaking. Should I give him something?" Adam asked.

"Um...I'll be home in about 10 minutes, just offer him soda and his one anti anxiety pill. He has the bottle in the bathroom by the sink. Just try to calm him down. Thank you so much, babe." Shiro said.

"No problem, I know how important Keith is to you. One day, I might even get him to call me big bro." Adam said, hopeful.

"Love you." Shiro replied.

"Love you too." Adam responded. He hung up the call.

"Uh, Shiro, that call didn't sound great..." Hunk said, worriedly. Everyone was still in the clubroom.

"Don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle. It's just that my mom who does not like Keith is home with him...luckily I have the best boyfriend in the world." Shiro said.

Meanwhile, Adam hung up the phone and went straight to the bathroom. He ran into Shiro's mother on the way. He didn't tolerate her as much as Shiro did. Adam watched as Keith's face contorted into pure terror as his mom looked at him. And she didn't do a thing to comfort him.

"Is Shiro making you take care of him, too? I told him that we shouldn't have adopted him if he's just going to push him off onto other people..." His mom said with a sigh.

Adam rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a heartless monster that's going to just go on with my life while a fragile and broken young boy has a mental breakdown under the same roof as me. I like Keith like my little soon to be step brother. I'm not just doing it 'cause Takashi asked me to." Adam stated.

He walked passed her to get to the bathroom. He grabbed the pills Shiro mentioned and took one, then went to the kitchen, Shiro's mother trailing him.

"And what exactly are you implying? I work to put food on his table and a roof over his head...!" She exclaimed.

Adam stopped at the fridge and opened it, taking out a cola.

"Do you know Keith? He needs food, but he needs love above all else! The only person he can trust is your son. You agreed to be his mother, so act like it and let Keith know that you aren't going to hurt him. And if you do hurt him, I know Takashi wouldn't hesitate to take Keith and get away from you. My parents are more than welcoming." He said, walking back towards Keith's room.

"Is that a threat?!" She asked, following him.

"A threat for if you commit child abuse. For your high school senior son, who has a foot out the door already, leaving isn't much of a threat. It's a promise." Adam said.

He stopped before he could get close to Keith's room, knowing that her getting any closer would make things worse. He turned around, waiting for her to defend herself. She looked like she was thinking, so Adam jumped in.

"Takashi didn't want to risk Keith getting abused again, so he took him in. Yesterday, Keith had fun with friends. Takashi is doing a great job of getting Keith to be normal. This is after being raped, tortured, trapped in a cage, starved, and bullied basically all his life. Don't think of him as a burden, 'cause he's a goddamn miracle!" Adam proclaimed.

Before she could speak, he stormed off, pill bottle and soda in hands. He knocked on Keith's door, despite it being wide open. Keith looked away, tears staining his pale complexion. He was sitting against his bed board, knees to his chest, shaking. His breathing was shaky and uneven.

Adam walked in and sat on the bed. Keith acknowledged him and tried to stop shaking, but couldn't. Adam handed him the soda. Keith tried to take it, but his hands were shaking to much.

Adam grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "It's okay, Keith. No one is here to hurt you. I won't let them. We won't let them." Adam reassured. He smiled at Keith. Keith weakly smiled back.

"'C-Cause I'm a-a g-goddamn m-m-miracle?" Keith asked, laughing a bit.

"You heard that?" Adam asked, shocked. Keith nodded. "Well, yeah. I think you're a miracle. And miracles don't get scared. So, why don't you tell me 5 things that you can see?"

Keith wasn't sure where this was going, but he went along with it. "Um...y-you...the wall, m-my closet, the door...and my s-s-school bag..." Keith reluctantly stuttered.

Keith's breathing was beginning to slow down. "Okay, now 3 things you can feel?" Adam asked.

"Your hand...the uniform..." Keith said, his heart starting to calm down.

"2 things you can hear?" Adam asked.

"Your voice and...the trees rustling outside...and I hear the front door opening." Keith said.

They could hear rushing footsteps hurriedly rush from the front door up the stairs and towards Keith's room. Shiro burst in, sweaty and out of breath.

"!" Shiro asked in between gasps of breath.

Keith looked down and around him, then back to his left hand. His other was still being held onto by Adam. Keith looked back at Shiro. "I think I'm okay now..." Keith mumbled.

Adam smiled and let go of Keith's hand to give Shiro a triumphant peace sign. "Didn't even need the pills." He said.

Keith nodded, letting Shiro know that he was telling the truth. "Marry me." Shiro immediately stated.

"Because of my limited knowledge on how to calm down a person having an anxiety attack?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow.

Shiro got closer and took Adams hand. He smiled sinisterly. "Oh, yeah, that's so hot~" Shiro said. They were about to kiss, when he looked over at Keith

"Don't mind me." Keith said, taking his school bag to start doing homework, and waving them off. Shiro was about to try and continue what he was doing before, but Adam covered his mouth and started dragging him out of the room.

"Alright, kiddo, while you do your homework, your father and I will be in his room. If you need us, knock." Adam joked. The two left, leaving Keith alone.

Keith couldn't help but smile, as now he has two loving creatures in his house. And they didn't just love each other. They loved him too.

(Word count: 1247)

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