Psychical Education (Two)

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Keith had been a student at Daibazaal high until the middle of his sophomore year. Because of circumstances at home, its safe for anyone to assume that he was just a scholarship student. Extremely smart. So, his classes at Altea High were fairly easy. Even if he was starting the class in the middle of a unit, he would understand right away. Not that he would tell anyone.

So, when Lance offered his notes and study material, Keith denied. Not just because Lance's handwriting was extremely terrible and looked like gibberish, but because Keith simply didn't need them. This led Lance to believe that Keith was just annoyed by him, which was partially true.

PE was 3rd period. So, Keith started heading to the bathroom in the gym with his bag. In the stall, he took off his uniform, which revealed his many scars and bruises on his pale complexion. Underneath, it looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. There was a noticeable burn marks on his chest, right over his heart. He made it his mission to never let another pair of eyes gaze upon this monstrosity they call skin.

There was a long cut that was going up through his right arm. It went from his wrist to his shoulder. It was still healing from stitches, but the stitches had already come out, so it didn't hurt as much as it did a couple weeks ago.

Keith pulled over his PE uniform that covered all his scars skillfully and his sweat pants, to cover the miscellaneous bruises that had yet to heal and a scar from surgery to repair his knee cap. Keith dreaded PE, but Shiro told the gym teacher about his issues, and she wouldn't push him too hard until his injuries healed completely.

Keith headed out to gym. He only knew Lance, who called him over, as he chatted with a beautiful girl with tanned skin and flowing white hair.

"Hey, man, isn't it a bit hot for you to be wearing that?" Lance asked, confused.

Keith avoided eye contact. "I get cold easily..." Keith lied.

"Oh, hello there! You must be Keith!" The girl happily exclaimed, which made Keith flinch.

"Yep!" Lance yelled. "Keith, this is Allura, Allura this is Keith!"

"Oh, she's the other member of voltron..." Keith said.

"It is such a pleasure to meet you! Shiro would not stop talking about you the past few weeks." Allura said.

"Huh? What'd he say exactly?" Keith asked. Shiro had told him that he didn't tell anyone about how they met or his old situation.

"Well, just about how cute you were and how you act like his rebellious little brother. I swear, it sounds like Shiro has a brother complex..." Allura said.

Keith internally breathed a sigh of relief. His worst nightmare was anyone finding out how he was raised or how he got those scars.

As in every class, the gym teacher acknowledged Keith as a new student. His name was coach Gyrgan (the name of the old yellow paladin of voltron). Everyone silently thought it was weird how Keith was dressed, but since the coach didn't mind, no one said anything out loud. Well, aside from a boy named James, who 'coughed' out a, "fucking weirdo".

Keith glared at him before turning back to the coach, explaining that they were going to be running laps. Everyone groaned. Keith's legs were still a bit sore, so he couldn't run as fast as he would have liked to. But, it was enough to go head to head with Lance.

They started sprinting, they had to run 4 laps around the gym. Keith and Lance started off head to head, with Keith in the lead. Lance smirked as he picked up the pace.

"You're fast, Kogane, but I'm faster!" Lance exclaimed, starting to run faster. Out of reflex, Keith also picked it up. Though, it did kind of strain his legs.

Before they knew it, they were racing each other. It was almost as if they were in total sync, and trying to escape it. Keith smiled as they ran. A genuine smile. It was mostly toward how frustrated Lance looked, but Keith was also having fun.

That is, until Keith suddenly fell forward, tripping over James purposely protruding foot. He slid a bit over the gym floor, covering his head with his arms. Sadly, the arm with his surgical scar hit the ground first with a loud thud. It took Keith a moment to realize and feel the pain throughout his entire body.

He slowly began to get up, but his right arm was hurting like hell. He got on his knees and held his arm to get it to stop hurting. Allura bent down to Keith side to make sure he was okay.

"Jame's, what the hell?!" Lance yelled, walking up to him, enraged.

"What, it was an accident? Mullet over there is just clumsy. He should watch where he's going." James said, smiling.

The coach ran up to Keith to make sure he was okay, as he noticed which arm he was holding. Keith shot him a look that said don't come closer, so he stopped.

"What happened? James?" Coach Gyrgan asked, while giving him a look.

"This dick tripped him." Lance said.

"He tripped over his own two feet, coach." James denied.

Suddenly, Keith stepped up and punched James in the jaw with his good hand. "Woops. Better watch where you're going." Keith said.

Everyone was watching. James got mad and lunged at Keith, tackling him to the ground. He grimaced in pain, as he landed on a large baseball sized bruise on his spine. James punched Keith's face, and Keith retaliated by punching the back of his head. At this point the coach has pulled James off Keith, and Lance had helped Keith to his feet. But, before he could get up, Keith blacked out, lack of sleep and pain taking over him.

(Word count: 992)

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