Pixane~Moving in

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{This is set later when Pixal and Zane are married 😁}
{Pixal's POV}

Our car stopped behind the moving van. Zane got out of the car first and opened the door for me.

The house was a small house with a gray roof, white brick and a nice large porch. It was a two bath, three bedroom, and had a decent sized backyard with a pool.

Perfect for the family we were going to start.

We started taking boxes to the rooms they needed to be in.

We started with the living room, then the kitchen, backyard, guest bedroom, master bedroom, bathroom one, bathroom two, and the room that would hopefully one day have a child living in it.

We had moved all the boxes and started unpacking.

We started with the master bedroom so we would at least have a mattress to sleep on.

We were still waiting on some furniture to be shipped, but after the master bedroom, we moved to bathroom one.

This was the bathroom connected to the master bedroom.

We moved things in and it surprisingly took longer than the bedroom.

Before we knew it, it was dark outside. We slept on the mattress on the ground, pleased with the work we had done.

When we woke up, we worked on the second bathroom and the kitchen.

After we finished the second bathroom we drove around town for a little break.

We had a picnic and ate sandwich's.

We may be nin-droids but, we are still able to eat.

We drove back to our house and finished the kitchen.

We did two rooms at a time every day until most boxes were empty.

Now we just needed to wait for the furniture.
Hey guys so I know this is short and may have misspelled words but it's like 2:00am and I'm tired sooo.


Also I will be doing revisions on my laptop later cuz rn I'm on my phone. Also I need Siri to spell most things so autocorrect is really helpin me out. 😂


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