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{This is an Au where Jay and Cole are dating} {Lloya}

{No one's POV}

Jay, Cole, Nya, and Lloyd were packing up to go to the beach.

They brought bags and towels out to Cole's car as Cole grabbed the umbrella. Once they brought everything out, they got in and left. Cole drove while Jay sat in the passenger seat. Nya and Lloyd were in the back.

Cole and Jay wanted to go to the beach for a while and they thought that they would help out a friend in the process.

You see, Lloyd had liked Nya for a while but she was too oblivious to see. So they thought that inviting Lloyd and Nya would help bring them closer together.

Once they arrived at the beach they set up. Nya put down the towels and some bags, while the boys set up the umbrella and got everything else.

Nya tried to help get the cooler but it was super heavy and huge. She pulled it out of the car and dropped it in the sand.

Lloyd silently giggled and helped her pick it up and bring it over to where they had set up. Lloyd took his shirt off followed by Cole and Jay.

Cole helped apply sunscreen to his boyfriend's back while making sure he got his own.

Lloyd asked if Nya wanted any but she doesn't usually burn so she turned down his offer. While the boys applied their sunscreen, she got in the water with her surfboard and made big enough waves to surf on. She did this until the boys finally decided to get in the water.

It was nice and cold water. Nya stepped out of the water and put her board by where they were set up. Her wavy, raven hair dripped and the droplets fell on her shoulders and back. Her ocean eyes met Lloyds and she smiled. he couldn't help but smile back.

They all stepped into the salty water and splashed each other. After a few minutes of swimming, Talking, and splashing, they decided to play chicken. Jay and Cole chose to be partners which left Nya and Lloyd to be partners.

Nya got on his back and Jay got on Cole's.

Lloyd was strong. Very strong.

Nya couldn't help but blush a light pink at this thought and of course, Cole noticed. He looked at Lloyd with a smirk in which Lloyd gave him a questioned look.

They started to fight and after a few minutes, Nya tickled Jay in his side {a soft spot.} causing him to giggle and fall over.

"We win!" Lloyd exclaimed and gave Nya a high five which she gladly returned.

"I didn't know we could tickle!" Jay whined.

"Well, now you do," Nya said giggling.

After a few more hours at the beach, they all packed up their stuff and head home.

The drive was a good hour and a half so both Lloyd and Nya fell asleep.

Once they got back to the house, Jay and Cole looked behind them to see Nya and Lloyd cuddling.

"Awwww." Jay smiled.

"Shall we wake them up or just let them sleep on the couch?"

"Let them sleep on the couch."

They brought them to the couch and laid them down.

The two of them laid down with each other and enjoyed the warmth.


Lloyd woke up first to find a sleeping Nya cuddling on his chest. He had his arm wrapped around her waist and the other in her hair.

She looked content and happy.

Like she was having a good dream.

Lloyd blushed and smiled.

"Nya," he whispered. "Nya wake up."

"Hmm?" She said with drowsy eyes as she looked up at Lloyd.

She blushed when she realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Uhhhh..." She managed a 'Good morning?' but it sounded more confused than anything.

Lloyd laughed silently a ruffled her hair.

"I uh wanted to tell you something for some time now," He started "I uh...k-kinda like you...but it's fine if you don't like-"

He was cut off by her soft lips connecting with his.

"I take it you feel the same?"

Nya nodded and blushed a light pink.

They both got up and Lloyd started to make breakfast.

Nya hugged him from behind as he flipped golden brown pancakes.

They sat down at the table and ate. Lloyd slipped her a note as she was finishing her last bite.

She cocked her head slightly and opened the note. It asked if she would be Lloyd's girlfriend. She looked at him, smiled, and said yes.


Sorry, it took so long but I hope you guys enjoyed!

Stay safe and don't forget:


Bye <3

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