April 1st~Jaya

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{AU Where the ninja have slightly alter looks, Powers, and personalities. Also Jay and Nya are not dating yet.} {Also HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!! MWAHAHAHAHA} :3

(Noboy's POV)

Jay and Nya were the king and queen of April Fools day they would go all out and try to prank each other. Well this year was different. Jay and Nya decided to join forces and go all out pranking everyone else. They stayed up all night the night before April 1st brainstorming ideas and making them work. They got no sleep but, they knew it would be worth it. At the crack of dawn they started setting up. They swapped clothes in drawers, put buckets of water above doors, put airhorns behind doors, set alarms, and even put items in water. They rigged the sink so it would spray water everywhere, and even set up a few pranks for Cole. They had put veggies in a donut box. Put out a tin full of brown E's, and put googly eyes on everything in the fridge. They pranked Cole the most because of two reasons. 1: He was their best friend other than themselves, and 2: He was the easiest to prank.

Once they got everything set up, they set off the alarms. It was around 9:38am. They usually wake up around 10:00am anyway so it wasn't too far off. They heard a thud. Just to be a good sister, Nya had put a table and a potted plant on top of Kai's head so, when he woke up, he would hit his head. The ninja came out one at a time. First Zane and Pixal, then Lloyd, after Lloyd came Cole, and finally, Kai. With a frown on his face and a red mark on his head.

"Guess what day it is..." Jay said in a singsong voice.

All the ninja shrugged except for Zane and Pixal. 

"April 1st" Zane said glumly and all the other groan and sighed.

"Thats rights Zane. Its April 1st." Nya said with a malicious smile. "Also know as.....April Fools Day."

"Good luck to you all. Or not." Jay said staring all of them down.

As the day went on more and more pranks were used and found and Jay and Nya were laughing and grinning every time. As the final prank was found, they fist bumped and sat down on the couch.

"We should do this every other year." Nya said through a yawn. "So that way we have at least some competition."

"Sounds good." Jay agreed rubbing his eyes.

After a few minutes the ninja walked into the room and found that they had fallen asleep on each other. Kai face palmed and walked away but, Pixal put a blanket on them and smiled. All but Cole left. He took a picture.

He would use this as blackmail so they would lay off him next year. The media would go crazy if they saw this. He smirked and walked away. 

Little did he know Jay and Nya didn't care. As long as they have each other.

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