dont give me that look i dont like partys

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everyone was getting ready for the party tonight i was about to when i got a call from an unknow caller

"hello whos this"

"why did you leave. you knew i loved you why did you leave."

"Max, i loved you too but you also hurt me i left becaue something family related happened."

"Yeah i knew you found your bother ben"

"i-i have to go dont call me ever again"

i ended the phone call i dont know how my ex got my phone number i got a totally new number and grams hates the kid. i was totally scared now but i didnt know what to do everyone was ready to go ben pulled back my curtain to the bunk and looked at me he looked pissed. "where going"

"im really not in the mood ben"

"of course you arnt you blew me off today and now this" he gave me a smug look i didnt know why he was being such a prick

"why are you being such a prick, dont give me that look who even said i liked partys you know i hate crowds" i screamed back at him we both started to fight the next thing i knew wa that i was in tears and he stormed off i ran into the bathroom i sat on the tiolet cover seat and started to cry even more. why does he hate me. i went to my bunk and wrote in it for about an hour after i cooled off i decided to change into the black dress that i picked out and threw on some black heels and i curled my hair real quicj after i finished i texted some where are they sam said they were on the bus at the end of the strip and i said thanks after that i walked to the bus and i saw ben fag in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other

"shes such a blunt little bitch why i decded to find her and see her beats me" ben slurred about me

"if im such a blunt bitch how come your my brother i cared about you well now you can enjoy your goddamn fags an whiskey and friends without me im going home back to grams and if i remeber right you were the one who left me and grams we didnt leave you so instead of hurting me think of what you did and you know nothing about me!" i screamed at him i tried to fight the tears but i couldnt anymore i ran i dont know where i was but i ran i ran passed the bus and pass the gates i finally found on of the restrooms in the area thats made for tomorrow and i ran inside to one of the stalls and i started to cry next thing i knew i was getting scared and felt myself start to heave about an hour later i was still in the bathrom i felt my phone vibrate


im sorry come back

i ignored him and before i knew it i had 30 texts from him

saying come back im sorry, i miss you, im a prick i know but come back.

i decided it was time for me to leave but i mean leave this whole thing i cant be his sister and go thre this i was horrified when mom died he wasnt their dad left to go to prison and grams was the only one who cared no one else was their and no one elsed cared. i got up and left the stalls and made my way to the busses i hid behind our bus so no one could see me i texted ben

text to ben:

meet me at the bathrom stalls and take all the guys with you

i texted him and he agreed after i saw them leave i ran onto the bus and grabbed my backpack and threw some essenticals in it real quich and then i made a note

   Dear Asking Alexandria,

 when i lost my mother you were there, when i lost my father you were there, when i cut myself you were their, when i threw up that dish i had just eatened you were there when i realized i was anorexic you were there. but now i know thats all youll be is there in my mind not honestly there with me im leaving i ruined bens life and im sorry i wasnt what you wanted i know im a fuck up but im your sister but now im not my real name is nicole lyric bruce i hated the name mom and dad gave me so i changed it and gave myself the name blade because i cut myself so much i became numb i became a blade numb you  guys didnt learn this becaus i only knew you for 4-5 days i didnt totally know you so i know when you come back from the bathroom youll search for me and see this and be happy or sad i dont know but im leaving i cant stand this anymore ive been a pesk to everyone my wholle life if you truly want to know me ben read my stor book and only you can so then you can learn about me but im dead inside i dont know what i did to hurt you but it clearly was something now i have to go because i hear sounds so

goodbye, nicole lyrics bruce

i wiped my tears and got out throught the back door i ran into the woods and made found a clearing torwards a motel that was nice looking it was about 20 minutes away from the venue so i bought a room with cash and went inside one of the rooms.

Ps. i bet you guys realy hate ben right now but i swear its gonna be good i cant believe i just did 4 chapters in one night

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