nicole lyric bruce come back home

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Bens POV

i ran into the bus i could have sworn i heard a sniffle i looked all ove until i read her note

Dear Asking Alexandria,

 when i lost my mother you were there, when i lost my father you were there, when i cut myself you were their, when i threw up that dish i had just eatened you were there when i realized i was anorexic you were there. but now i know thats all youll be is there in my mind not honestly there with me im leaving i ruined bens life and im sorry i wasnt what you wanted i know im a fuck up but im your sister but now im not my real name is nicole lyric bruce i hated the name mom and dad gave me so i changed it and gave myself the name blade because i cut myself so much i became numb i became a blade numb you  guys didnt learn this becaus i only knew you for 4-5 days i didnt totally know you so i know when you come back from the bathroom youll search for me and see this and be happy or sad i dont know but im leaving i cant stand this anymore ive been a pesk to everyone my wholle life if you truly want to know me ben read my stor book and only you can so then you can learn about me but im dead inside i dont know what i did to hurt you but it clearly was something now i have to go because i hear sounds so

goodbye, nicole lyrics bruce

i felt tears brim my eyes i heard the guys coming so i quickly wiped away my tears.

Sam asked me what i found when they all read it i heard james curse i knew he liked her she was like his little sister we all were her big brothers. me and the guys took off and searched for her. we looked everywhere for 3hours the guys started to give up but i decided to look still. i saw the woods behind the bus it looked like someone pushed the brush away. at my own disgresion i decided to go through it and look. after i went through it to the other side i saw a motel i hoped she was in their. i walked into the entrance area and asked the man if he saw a girl reacently with dark blue hair. he said he did and that she was in room 18. i thanked the man and made my way to the motel room. i knocked on the door twice thats when she opened. i felt my heart break at the way i had treated her just seeing her stand there with tears streaming down her face made me feel horrible about what i did to her.

"what do you want" she asked slurring her words she was drinking i cant believe i did this to her.

"i wanted to apolog-"

"apologize for what you hurt me like you always did, you left , you hate me-"



"i left because i thought you would be better off without me i thought i would have made your life crap"

"well clearly its crap with you gone"

"im sorry, im sorry i left, im sorry dad did what he did, im sorry they would fight and do drugs and hit me"

"what do you mean they hit you"

i wasnt prepared to tell her my parents would always get angry at something so they would want to hurt us they would always go torwards her but i would stop them and be rude so that way they would hurt me and not her its why im covered in tattoos so that no one sees my scars.

taking a deep breath i told her that i would get hit because i wanted to protect her. before i knew it me and her were hugging each other and crying on the floor. we both looked at each other and said sorry me and her made it back to the bus where everyone was waiting for us. we all said our hi's and goodnight's to eveyone.

i finally climbed in to bed thats when i felt something fluffy hit my nose. it was ly's hellowkitty plush toy the one i bought her when we were 5 years old i cant believe she still had it. i looked torwards her smiling back at me she whispeard i cant sleep. i wanted to tease her and i said why she looked at me and sticked her tongue out then she pointed her finger at me and then at her bed i smiled and slowly crawled down from my bunk and into hers.

"Ly why cant you sleep"

"i dont know maybe because danny, and james are snoring up a storm" she said while fighting a giggle.

i kissed her forehead and told her a family story that i remembered somehow it was from grams i hope grams told her this one.

"so te story is about this little girl she crys and screams when something goes her way-"

"And then she would cry and scream if someone was hurt because she though if someone special was hurt then they would be broken and she didnt like having things that others couldnt have because it didnt seems fair."

i smiled she knew the story i was so thrilled that grams told her the story it always made me feel better about myself and it made me selfless thats why sometimes i dont like getting gifts. i could tell she was getting tired so me and her hugged and felll asleep in each others arms.

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