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Lyrics POV

i woke up to someone in my arms it was my big brother i smiled to myself about the story we told each other last night that story always helped me fall asleep when i was having trouble to get to bed. we both started to wake up, today was an exciting day because it was the beginging of warped tour ive never been to warp i only went to one concert in my life and that was an all time low concert when i was 14 years old it was amazing even though i didnt get to meet the guys it was still amazing. everyone one started to wake up and eat breakfast even though most of them had splitting head aches i noticed ben was outside i went outside by him when i noticed he was smoking a fag. he looked at me knowingly another one of my bad habits smoking. i only smoked once in a blue moon but when i did it i liked to smoke three and then i would be done  i asked him for 3 and he looked at me weirdly but he coughted them up to me anyways me and him spoke for 40mins until i finished all 3 fags and i wanted to rebrush my teeth. when i was done i walked into sam but something was weird there was a tear in his eye i grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the back room where it was mostly storage.

"sammy whats wrong"

"voilet, my girlfriend well ex girlfriend now she broke up with me on instagram"

"Sammy im sorry" i told him trying to console him i told him that when their show was done and over with tonight I was going to take him with the guys and we are going to party tonight. he nodded in agreement i got changed into skinny black shorts and I threw on my favorite asking Alexandria tank top, matching g with my black snapback, and my black vans and i did a lite layer of  water proof eyeliner and I packed my backpack with water just in case. i said bye to the guys and headed to the main stage to see who was playing when i got their of mice and men took the stage and started to play i loved the band and stayed for their performance i singed to the parts since i was in the front line i singed my heart out

"seven thousand miles for what" next song that came on was my favorite

"PRETTY LITTLE LADY WOULD YOU SHOW ME YOUR SWOLLEN EYE" i singed every word thats until they ended and i decided to walk around trying to find where everything was since we were leaving tonight after the last band. i found the tent for asking so i decided to drop by i bought a sweatshirt and shorts that ben has. after i bought that i got bored and found a shady spot to sit in i relaxed and just sat their for 20 minutes until i got a text from danny asking me to come back to the bus and i said id be there in 16 minutes i made my way back . when i made it to the bus everyone was getting ready to leave so i didnt understand why i came back thats when i spotted austin carlile i tensed up i had the hugest crush on him since i could remember i felt myself blushing.

"so i heard your little performance" he aid smiling and showing his dimples but i didnt understand

"what do you mean my little performance"

"at the show before i heard you singing seven thousand miles for what and my understanding"

"oh that well i didnt think it was that great i mean i listened to your band since i was 9 years old now im 17 ya know its kinda my thing to sing to the lyrics"

"thats funny lyric you dont understand how great of a singer you are and as i may add devoted fan"

i smiled and thanked him but i still didnt understand where this was going

"so what does this whole thing mean to you anyways i mean you have thousands of fans who go to your shows and sing and scream why am i important im not even that special im just another girl if you ask me"

"lyric your not just another girl your a gifted girl and the reason why i bring this up is because oliver sykes from bring me the horizon plays this song called dont go and this girl from lights sings in it as well and i was wondering if you could be her replcement"

"what happened to her may i ask"

"she threw out her voice they said she can go back to singing but after warped and dont go is kinda a signiture song of bmth to play"

"sure i guess ill do it but im kinda afraid of crowds"

before i could say anything else he grabbed me and took me to brings bus i knew all the guys so i said hi austin was a bit shocked that i knew there names and knew the band but hey alot has happened am i right after we all spoke i told them that i already knew the song by heart so they were impressed by that they said we would go on stage in 2 hours but i needed to get dressed they told me if i had a dress or nice clothes to get into them so i rushed back to the bus and slipped on my black dress with my black heels and i redid my eye line and i put on a light layer of brown eye shadow. before i could ask if i looked okay the guys started to whistle i blushed and laughted at it i grabbed my black bracelet and slipped it on my left wrist smiling with the guys we all decided to leave to go to the mainstage even though they were going to perform first and then me and bring would. when we got there i felt everyones eyes on me i felt embarrased in a way i mean was it to much but oli patted me on the back and said i looked nice in the dress. after asking played it was finally brings turn they said they would call my name at a certain moment they asked me what name i wanted to be called since i had two names but i told them just to call me lyric blade music. they understood i was happy that i got to say hi to oli again since he brought me here to see my brother i hugged him when i first saw him while we were being reintroduced. after about 2ssongs went buy they decided to start playing dont go and thats when oli made a huge announcement.

"HELLO SESSEX HOW ARE YOU DOING TONIGHT" he screamed into the mic millions of cheers and whistles were heard all other.


i ran on staged and was frozen for a minute i couldnt believe i was standing on the stage and with everyone here everyone saying my name and cheering i felt special. i was happy and content the music started to play oli also knew i could scream so in parts i would scream and so would he and then i sanged the girl lights parts it was the most amazing expericance i have ever gone through after the show ended me and the guys were so pumped up on adrenaline we all agreed to go on someones bus and have a few drinks but you know a few drinks lead to a few dozen bottles of whiskey and vodka. everyone was cheering and dancing and laughting while drinking i had on to many but i was still rinking until i had to use the restroom i stumbled over to the restroom and went when i was about to get out i was pushed back by someone no one could see us since we were hidden by the bunk alley the guy was mumbling something until i relized it was austin.

"Austin what are you doing" he smiled at me and i smiled back at him i always loved him

"i-i cant stop thinking about you your the most beautiful women i have ever laid my eyes on"

i rolled my eyes and told him if he really thought that then he would tell me that tomorrow when he was sobber.

"how can i when i dont have your number he asked" he handed me his phone and i programed my number into his phone.

after about twelve past 1am i took all the asking guys and took them into our bus since it was roadcall and we all needed to leave to travel to the next destination on the tour. after everyone wad in their bed i put water and asprin next to them and i got myself situatioed and got into my pjs and got to bed i hoped dealy that austin would remeber i knew i was somewhat drunk but i was alright i could walk and talk fineish but i wasnt amazing i just needed a few hours of sleep and then i would be okay and them i would feel a whole lot bette

A N// hope everyones having a wonderful weekend sucks tomorrows sunday but what can you do about it i have school for 2 day which is monday and tuesday and then im off until january 5 so i will be updating more an more i know im a horrible person for making you wait but im making up for it by doing 5 or 6 udates just in today alone so i will be doing more tomorrow but i also have to finish some hw so when i get that done then i will update so byyee guys hope you like the story so far sorry if it sucks

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