Chapter 4

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Dixie's POV

"I'm back!" I yell into the house, turning around and motioning to Ivy to follow me in with her bags.

Charli comes running down the stairs and launches herself onto Ivy. "Hey, how was dance? I missed you, we haven't seen you in ages!" Ivy just smiles in response, looking round at the house with wide eyes.

"Ivy, tell Charli about your solo, I'll go round everyone in up and we'll tell people about you," I say and Charli drags her over to the couch, chattering non-stop to take Ivy's mind off of everything.

Ivy's POV

I sit down next to Charli, still looking around at the house. How the heck is this place so big? I sign to Charli and she looks around like she hadn't noticed the enormity of it before.

"It looks a lot bigger than it feels, when you have a house full of people that come and go, you need some places to hide. I'll show you my favourite places tomorrow," she says and then reaches out and pulls me into a hug. "You'll be fine, you have the scared kitten look in your eyes again, but I promise you that everyone's really nice. Did Dixie say something about a solo?"

I grin in thanks and reply, yeah Miss Abby gave me a solo in a straight jacket and I can't use my arms and I'm really excited about it. I get to compete it in England under the ALDC's name. You should come by the studio soon or something and see me do it. Plus Gianna said earlier that she'd like to see you again.

Charli nods in agreement. "You have a class tomorrow don't you? Maybe we could take all the girls here and have a fun evening?" She was about to say something else when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, followed by loud voices. I automatically recoil into Charli, but she just pulls me closer into her side and sits up a bit more.  I shake my head, trying to get the noise of water out of my ears.

I'm fine, Dixie and Charli both said the people hear are really nice. I'm working myself up for no reason. I try to reason with myself. I'm fine, I'm- oh please I'm not even kidding myself, I'm not alright.

I try to lift my hands up but they feel like dead-weights. I force them up, shaking uncontrollably. Charli I changed my mind. Please I don't want to. I want to go home. Charli please let me go. I sign frantically, my breathing becoming more and more jagged.

"Oh shit," she mutters under her breath. "Um ok. We'll get through this. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Breath with me." She over exaggerates her breathing and I try to copy her, a sob mixed with a gasp erupting from my mouth as I do so.

It's not working Char. The noise is getting louder, my head's going to explode. Please help. I can't do this right now. Everyone's going to think I'm a physco. I want to go home. I attempt to sign, my hands shaking so much that I'd be surprised if Charli understood anything I was trying to say. My muscles begin to clench, my vision becomes blurry despite my glasses and my head shoots back, clicking my neck. I hear Charli yell for Dixie as my eyes roll back in my head and I slump into her.

Charli's POV

I look down to see Ivy fall against me, her head jerking back uncontrollably. "Shit. Dixie. We need help please. Like right now," I yell as I turn my head to see her coming down the stairs, followed by the rest of the house. Dixie breaks off her conversation with Addison and runs towards the couch.

"Shit, right lay her down, put her head on your lap and support it. I'll ring mom." She reaches into her pocket to grab her phone and pulls it out, then puts it down in frustration. "Fuck, I can't, they're on the plane. Ok, it's fine, we'll get through it."

Ivy's legs begin to shake and I look at Dixie. "Char, just keep supporting her head, it'll be over in a minute. This has happened before, you have no reason to be scared. Ivy's been alright before, and she'll be alright this time." While Dixie's comforting me, the rest of the house make their way over to us, their eyes wide.

Addison doesn't say anything, just runs over and pulls Dixie into a bear hug. I hadn't noticed before, but Dixie has tears in her eyes. This is never nice for any of us. Everyone else is just stood there, not sure what to do and trying not to stare.

I try to laugh, but it ends up sounding more like a sob. "Guys you can sit down, it'll be done soon," I say and Thomas sits on the couch opposite us, the rest of them following his lead.

"Right, I have a lot of questions to be completely honest, but I think the main one at this minute is, will she be alright?" Addison asks, lifting her head up from Dixie's shoulder.

Dixie sits next to me and nods her head. "She'll be alright. This doesn't happen very often, but her anxiety was bad and then something must have triggered her to have a panic attack, which very rarely leads to a seizure. Unfortunately this time it became a seizure," she pauses and takes a breath, "Oh and this is Ivy."

I look down to see that Ivy isn't shaking as much and her eyes begin to roll back the right way. I nudge Dixie and she helps me lift Ivy into a sitting position next to me.

I had a seizure, didn't I? She rubs her eyes and looks over at me.

"Yeah, you did. How're you feeling now?" I ask her. She sits and thinks then reply's, kind of fuzzy. I chuckle and nod, "Yeah I'd be surprised if you weren't to be honest. Say hi to everyone Ivy." She looks around and waves then buries her head in my shoulder.

Dixie looks at me and her and I nod my head. It's now or never.

"Guys, this is Ivy, and she's our sister."

still really dislike
this chapter but
oh well

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