Chapter 1

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Dixies POV

I was sat on the couch with Addison, watching a movie. I say watching, Addison was resting her head on my lap half asleep and I was running my fingers through her hair, the movie being there purely for background noise. I was just about to turn the film off and take a nap, when my phone started to ring.

"Addi," I say, lifting her head of off my lap, "Adds, I have to take this."

Addison sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Wha- who is it?" she mumbles.

I grin at her voice and reply, "It's my mom, and her and dad are going back to England today, so I should see what she wants." Addison mutters something inaudible, so I get up and walk into the kitchen motioning to Thomas and Daisy to take their latest argument and get out.

"Hey momma, how are you?" I ask, picking at my nails.

"I'm good thanks." She replys, and I have to try my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"Mom, can you speak up? I can barely hear you."

"Oh, right, is this better?" I grin and hum in response. 

"Do you have a reason for calling me? Or did you just want me to stand here in an awkward silence for a bit," I laugh and wait for a response.

"Ok, so I have a favor to ask." She sounds nervous, that's never a good start.

"Alright, shoot it."

"Your dad and I are going back to England today, and we were meant to take Ivy with us. But the flight we booked has been cancelled so we have to get on an earlier one, and that leaves in half an hour. Ivy's still at dance cause she's learning a new solo and has a technique class after. We can't take her out of class so I was wondering if either you or Charli could pick her up." I stand there, letting the information process in my head.

"Yeah, sure, that's fine, I'll pick her up no problem."

My mom sighs in relief. "And the last thing is that you'd have to take her back to the hype house with you, because I don't feel safe leaving her alone in the apartment for that long." I pause in shock.

"Are you sure?"

"Dixie we don't have a choice and it's not like she can stay hidden for the rest of her life. This is just sooner than we expected, that's all." I take a shaky breath.

"Ok, I'll go tell Charli and then go get her. I love you momma, have a nice trip and tell dad I said hi!"

"Will do sweetie, I love you." I hang up and give myself a minute to try and understand what just happened.

After I processed what was going on, I walk back to the couch to be met with a tired yet confused looking Addison. "What's up Dixie, you look," she pauses and assesses my face, "Scared?"

I chuckle and shake my head, "I'm fine Adds, I just have to pop out for a little bit. Do you know where Charli is?"

She frowns and thinks for a second. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was gonna teach Paper how to do a back-tuck so they're probably in Chase's bathroom." I wince in response and head upstairs, telling Addison to continue the film without me.

"Wait," she yells after me, "Where are you going?"

I grin and turn around, "It's a surprise! You should like it, don't worry."

I continue up the stairs and swallow a laugh when I hear Kouvr yelling at someone, most probably Patrick and Calvin.

I approach the bathroom, and see Charli do back-flip and then Connor attempt to do one. Lets just say that it didn't look as impressive. I walk in and tap Charli on the shoulder. "Hey Char, can I talk to you outside for a minute please?" She looks confused but nods anyway.

Nick and Ryland look over and both say the same thing, "Ooooo, someone's in trouble, what'd you do now Charli?" She turns around and flips them both off, then turns back and walks out of the bathroom. I snicker and follow her into the hall.

"What's up Dixie, you look funny. Like funnier than normal funny. And that's saying something, cause you normally look ridiculously fu-"

"Yes, thank you Charles, I get the idea. Mom just called an-"

This time Charli cuts me off, "Oh how she? Her, dad and Ivy are going back to England today, aren't they?"

"Well that's what I was about to say before I got so rudely interrupted." I stop and look pointedly at her until she mutters something in response. "What was that Charli? I didn't hear you."

She rolls her eyes, "Geez, I said sorry, ok?"

I grin and continue, "Anyways, the flight they were meant to get got cancelled, and they had to get on an earlier one. But Ivy's still at dance, so mom asked if I could go pick her up and bring her here until one of them is back, cause she's too young to stay in the apartment alone. I said that I would, and I thought that I'd tell you so you can be prepared."

"But," a look of confusion passes over my sister's face, "No one here knows about Ivy. A-and they're gonna get mad at us for not telling them about her."

"Char, they won't get mad at us I promise. We have a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why we didn't say anything." Charli calms down slightly but then something else clicks in her head.

"Wait. Does Ivy know that she's staying here? Cause last time I checked she didn't want anyone to know about her either. Plus you already know that it'll be awkward cause she won't talk to start with, she'll only sign and then everyone will be like oH iS sHe DeAf?"

"Charli, it'll be fine. Besides even if she doesn't talk to start with, we both know that that'll only be until she feels comfortable around these people, and then she won't stop talking," I give her a hug, "Look I have to go, otherwise Ivy'll wonder why no ones there to pick her up. I'll explain everything to her in the car ride here. Now please, for the sake of all of us, go and teach Connor how to flip properly, before someone gets hurt," I say as a crash followed by screams comes from the bathroom.

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next chapter!

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