Chapter 10

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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿!┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
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1 hour later

The phone is put down, the screen illuminated, showing a picture of a familiar scene. A girl taking a picture with a fan, but zoomed in to the background. Blonde hair is slightly visible beneath a beanie, glasses face down on the table. Her side profile is only partially visible, the rest of her face hidden in an older girl's shoulder, who's laughing with the person sat next to her, hand up as if she was about to go in for a high five.

"I don't like it," a deep voice comes from the room, "She looks too comfortable."

"You never know, she could have the money in her bank already. She might be trying to be inconspicuous."

"There's not a chance. Trust me, I know Ivy. I think it's time she gets a reminder of just why she's there in the first place. Call my lawyer."

7 hours later

A light flicks on, and Ivy, groans, pulling her pillow over her head and rolling away from the door. Someone pads over to her and shakes her arm, and, Ivy being Ivy, sticks her middle finger up and mumbles incoherently.

"Ivy, wake the fuck up please," the voice trembles and Ivy sits up, looking in shock at the tear stained face in front of her.

Dixie? What's the matter? Why have you been crying? Ivy signs, then points at Dixie's face.

"What are you on about? I haven't been crying, you just haven't got your glasses on," she says briskly, handing Ivy her glasses and hurriedly wiping her eyes.

Alright then, so why did you wake me up? And turn away please, if you insist on waking me and this ungodly hour then I'm gonna get changed.

Dixie obliges, nudging the door shut and turning to face it. "There's something me and Charli have just been told, and we feel you should know it. However, if mom or dad ask, neither of us told you anything, understand?"

Pixie, you're kind of scaring me, what's going on?

"Charli's in the main room, we'll go out to her," again, Dixie's voice shakes and she has to wipe her eyes.


They walk out, to be met with the sight of people shooting down the stairs on a mattress, and Ivy chuckles. This place is so fucking weird.

Charli's sat on a sofa with her head buried in Chase's shoulder, shaking slightly. Dixie clears her throat and Charli shooots up, drying her eyes. Ivy and Dixie go and sit next to them, and Dixie takes a deep, shaky breath before starting to talk.

"Ivy, first off, you have to know that at this pont in time, we can't do anything to stop this, but mom and dad are looking into it." Ivy nods her head hestitantly, her smile slipping off her face. "Honey, I'm so, so, so sorry this has happened."

What are you on about? What's going on?

A telltale tear slips down Charli's face, and she opens her mouth to start talking. "He's back, Ivy, he's back and is most probably going to be cleared of all charges."

Ivy sits up straight before visibly drooping. Then she chuckles slightly. I don't know how drunk you are, she wags her finger, but that was a good one. I believed you for a second.

Dixie and Charli looked at Ivy, then at each other, and then back at Ivy.

No, you're fucking with me aren't you. There's no way.

"Please. Please tell me that you're fucking joking." Ivy shouts and the house goes quiet. "That man has done nothing but make my life fucking miserable. I won't go to him! Please."

"Ivy calm down-" Charli starts, but Ivy shakily stands from the couch.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. I had everything under control. What is wrong with him!" She screams and amid Charli and Dixie talking to her, runs in the direction of the bedroom. She slams the door shut behind her, frantically wiping at her eyes. Running to the desk, she takes the chair and drags it back over to door, trying desperately to relax her breathing.

Taking a few more unsteady breaths, Ivy goes to her suitcase and rummages in the bottom, grinning when she finds what she's looking for. An old burner phone, given to her six years ago long with a promise that has long since been broken.

She flips open the phone, frowning when she hears someone pounding at the door shouting her name.

"Just fuck off!" she screams, rolling her eyes.

Scrolling down to the only saved number on the phone, she clicks it and holds it up to her ear, tapping her foot quickly against the wooden floor.

The telltale click of a phone connecting is heard, and Ivy has to fight to not scream straight away.

"Hey honey, I was wondering when I was gonna hear your delightful voice again." A male voice is projected into her ear and Ivy can't help but let a smirk slip onto her face.

"Hi, James. Long time, no fucking speak. I had it all under control. Explain yourself. "

oh shit !! um,
surprise ?!
yall im so so so
excited for you
to see where this is
going !!
don't forget to vote and
comment, and ill
see you in the next
chapter !

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