Chapter 11

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2021 - The D'Amelio Show
Episode 2 - Who the hell is Ivy D'Amelio?

The lights flicker on and Ivy grimaces before sitting down. "So, how's this gonna work?"

The producer smiles and looks up from her notes, "I'll ask some questions, and if you feel comfortable, you'll answer them."

"Sounds great, um," Ivy rubs her head looking up sheepishly, "Will this take long? Not because I don't want to be here, but it's just that I've got plans with Meg later and she's flying in today and-"

"No, that's fine," the producer smirks slightly, "You'll be able to pick your girlfriend up from the airport, don't worry!"

"Hey!" Ivy blushes.

"Right, you ready?" Once she's nodded, the producer starts.

"Ivy, do you wanna introduce yourself?"

"Sure!" Ivy smiles and waves at the camera, "Hi, I'm Ivy D'Amelio. Um, I'm fifteen and the D'Amelios adopted me when I was eight, and then legally adopted me again, when I was fifteen. I enjoy, um, dancing, I guess? No I don't guess; I do enjoy it- I'm so sorry I'm still not used to being in front of the camera." She chuckles, embarrassed, rubbing her nose.

"No it's fine, take your time. If you wouldn't mind, would you be alright talking a little bit about your life and how you came to be legally adopted for a second time?"

"Am I allowed?"

The producer nods off camera and Ivy grins.

"Ah shit then. Oh shit, can I swear in this? Fuck, I've just done it again. And again. Sh- I'm so sorry!"

"You can curse, it's fine!"

"Here we go! Oh also disclaimer, I'm not at all proud of what I did, and I'm really grateful to my family for being able to take me back and for forgiving me!"

"So I was two, maybe? when my dad died and then within like a year my mum had found someone else. She then dies again two years later, leaving me in the care of my stepfather, James.

He's a piece of shit to be brutally honest, and I can say that now because I'm not scared of him anymore. Hey James, if you happen to be watching this from your room in prison, I wouldn't put it past you," Ivy stops and rolls her eyes, then flips the camera off, "Fuck you for taking away my childhood. Fuck you mate, big time.

Anyway, sorry, yeah, he's a nasty piece of work and was my legal guardian. When I was seven he did some horrid shit that I don't feel comfortable talking about and was sent to prison. But before he went, he told me about the people that I'd be staying with and what they'd done to, like, wrong him or something along those lines? Complete and utter bollocks by the way.

Yeah anyway, he told me about them, and bearing in mind that I was young and didn't know better, I thought that he was like a god or some shit, and that everything he said was right. Spoiler alert, I was an utter idiot. He told me shit and I believed him, one thing being that this family owed him a ridiculous sum of money. I was meant to go to this family whilst he was in prison, take the money without them realising, so that when he came out, we'd be rich. That didn't happen.

He got busted for a bunch more shit, and I ended up getting adopted by this family. I cut all my connections to him, but in the back of my mind the thing that he'd practically drilled into my head was still there. 'Take the money, don't get attached to them, just get the bloody money.' So. I did."

2019. Present day.

"What the fuck are you playing at?"

"Ivy, honey, how are you? How's life treating you?"

Ivy rolls her eyes, "Not going to lie, it was a lot better about," she stops and hums, thinking, "five minutes ago, maybe? Before I had to hear your voice."

"Ah now, don't be salty, I jus-"

"I'm sorry, what?" she laughs in disbelief, shaking her head. "Don't be salty? No. You do not get to just show up in my life after seven years and tell me to not to be salty. I've got shit under control here. I don't need you anymore."

"Really?" he scoffs, "You've got it under control? I don't believe you, because the last thing I saw, I'd say that you're getting a bit too close with these people."

"I've made 3 payments in the last 3 years. I'd say I have it under control." Someone hits the door, hard, and Ivy jumps up. "Look," she hisses, "Don't do anything fucking stupid, they'll be suspicious." The knocking continues, and Ivy jumps again. "I have to go, stay out of my fucking life, and I'll give you the money."

She hangs up and puts the phone back in the bag, and jumps into bed, not before removing the chair holding the door closed. Ivy wraps a blanket around her head and squeezes out some tears. Sniffling, she shouts for whoever it is to "fuck off!", but instead the door creaks open, and a pattering of feet is heard before the mattress dips in four different places.

"Ivy, honey, we understand how this feels, but you have to talk to us about it," Dixie murmurs, stroking her hair.

"No, you don't Dixie, and that's the fucking problem. You have no idea what he's like, you don't understand just how much of a dick he his. There's stuff I've never told you or Charli, stuff I've never told Mum and Dad because I'm trying to fucking protect you, and no-one understands that. No-one seems to grasp the fact that the moment he steps foot back into my life, it'll be a completely different one. I won't be able to talk to anyone, I won't get a fucking say in my own fucking life."

"Language," Charli mutters half-heartedly, and Avani reaches out and gently hits her arm.

A door is thrown open somewhere else in the house, "Hey Hype bitches!" A male voice exclaims and Addison shifts, as if to get up.

"That's the sway boys, I should-" she gestures towards the door, and Dixie snaps up.

"Yeah, no, no, you're right. Ivy are you staying here?" Ivy shakes her head and unwraps herself from the blanket, wiping away non-existent tears.

"No. I need to break in some new pointe shoes anyways, I may as well kill two birds with one stone."

The four of them wander out to the main room, Ivy trailing dejectedly behind everyone else. Addison stops and turns to face her, smiling slightly.

"For what it's worth, I think your voice is pretty."

Ivy blushes, mentally congratulating Dixie on her choice of women, when the moment is broken by a streak of brown fluffy hair running past her and throwing Addison over his shoulder.

"Bryce! Put me down!" Addison squeals, slapping him on the shoulder, and Ivy catches a glimpse of Dixie's face before she turns around again, and this time mentally curses Dixie for falling for a straight girl.

sup bitches?
im so sorry about how
long this took to come
out, no excuse lmao
big big thanks to tessa
(-wtfdixie ) for all of
the lovely messages, here's
bigggg hug from me <3
i'll try and update as much
as i can :)
don't forget to vote and comment,
and i'll see you in the next
chapter (hopefully soon)!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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