Chapter 5

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^^^ i thought i would let you all know that I saw this and gasped. that's it, that's all i have to say

Dixie's POV

Everyone sits in silence, processing what I'd just said.

"Wait, sorry did you just say that she's your sister?" Ryland speaks up first, the rest still have a shocked look on their face.

I nod, looking at Ivy who's slumped back against Charli, practically asleep and obviously exhausted from the seizure.

Addison follows my gaze and lifts her head from my shoulder. "That's so cool!" she squeals, and I can't help but laugh. My laughter must have disturbed Ivy because she shoots up, rubbing her eyes.

I'm sorry, I thought I was going to be alright. I didn't really want that to happen right away. She signs quickly and everyone's eyes widen.

"Dude, you sign? That's great, I love when people sign! I don't want to come across as rude, but you can hear us right?" This time it's Avani that says something to Ivy, and I watch as Ivy looks at her. Ivy nods her head quickly, still yawning.

"Can I tell them how you're our sister?" Charli looks at Ivy.

Ivy sits thinking for a second, yeah but not with the details, cause that shit's fucked up-

"Language" I scold gently, earning a chuckle from Charli.

Oops sorry Pixie. You can spare the nasty details please, just a quick version. The long version is too much for me at the minute. I'd rather not listen though, so can I sleep?

At this I tut and shake my head. "You know that you're not meant to sleep straight after one of your seizures." I grin as an idea forms in my head, "I know, you can do your Latin homework!"

Ivy's head shoots over to me, excuse me?

"Yup, get it outta your bag. There's no time like the present." She groans and reaches down to her bag, pulling her books out.

"Wait, first we have to do introductions," Charli says and Ivy closes her textbook. "Ivy this is Thomas, Daisy, Alex, Kouvr, Calvin, Patrick, and Connor, but we call him Paper" she points to each person in turn and they give a small wave. "That's Chase, Ryland, Nick, Larray, Tony and Ondreaz, they're surprisingly not twins. James and Jack, they're twins. And this is Avani and that's Addison. Everyone this is Ivy. Alright now you can do your work," Charli giggles, "I still can't believe you have to do Latin!"

Ivy gasps dramatically, shut up at least I still go to school.

"Hey, I do school! Just from home," Charli retaliates and reaches to slap her arm.

Everyone else looks at me, confused. "Hey, don't look at me, this is a regular occurrence!" putting my hands up in mock surrender. Ivy opens her books, sighing loudly.

"Anyways," Charli continues, "This is Ivy, she's 14 and our family adopted her when she was eight. Our parents were friends with Ivy's biological mother before she moved back to England. She met a dude, fell in love and had Ivy. Ivy's father got into a car accident when she was two and then a year later her mother remarried. Then when Ivy was five, I think, her mother passed away and she was left in the custody of her stepfather.

Long story short, when she was eight, Ivy's crappy stepfather could no longer look after and support her and with no other family to turn to, our parents were contacted. Ivy spent four weeks with us in the summer and then our family officially adopted her in the October of that year. Ivy still lives in England, because we didn't want to disrupt her education. That's we travel a lot between here, Connecticut and England. Obviously there's a lot more details, but I'm not sure how much we're legally allowed to tell you and Ivy doesn't feel comfortable yet."

Charli stops talking and then there's a silence, only broken by Ivy huffing over her Latin book. A few people look over at her and smile.

"Ivy stop exaggerating, it can't be that bad," I say, looking down at the book.

Really? She rolls her eyes, wanna bet on that? I pick up it up at look at the translation she's meant to be working on, frowning as the words swim in my teary eyes

"You know what, that's not even English, I feel bad for you." I pull Ivy into a hug.

Yeah that's why it's called Latin you dummy, of course it's not English.

"And, the moment's over," I announce, giggling, "Let's get your stuff in from the car, then we'll show you around." We get up and back out the front of the house, hearing voices erupt as soon as the door closes.

Ivy exhales loudly. That was awful, I never want to have do anything like it again.

I open the trunk and pass her a bag. "Welp, I hate to break it to you, but I think the Sway boys are coming over later, but there's not as many of them so it shouldn't be as bad. Ivy, was all of this stuff necessary? My car's literally full of dance stuff, and you probably won't even be here for that long." I complain, although it's true. My trunk's full, and Ivy might only be here for a week.

It's better to be prepared than having to travel back to the apartment. She reasons and I shake my head, a grin appearing on my face. "Anyways, what did you think of everyone?" I ask.

I don't really have much to judge them on, but they all seem nice. You and Addison seemed close as well. This time it's Ivy that grins, as my face turns an embarrassing shade of red.

"Yeah, my friend," I emphasise, "was being nice. Now, just take this and get back inside, it's getting cold." I rush past Ivy, and hear her burst into laughter behind me. "Ivy, inside."

Chill, you sound like mom, she rushes past me into the house and stops abruptly, putting her things on the floor, where do I put this?

I stop and think, looking over at Charli who's curled up next to Chase deep in conversation. I gag dramatically and Ivy looks at me in concern, you good? I put the bags I'm holding down and sign quickly to her, look at Charli and Chase.

She looks over and her face mirrors mine. Imagine dating a boy, she giggles.

I mean you're bi, but I absolutely agree. We both erupt into laughter, causing everyone to turn round and look at us.

"You alright over there?" Charli asks, raising an eyebrow

"Could not be better. Thanks for the concern though," I manage to choke out sarcastically, not wanting to make eye contact with Ivy, for fear that I'll laugh more. "Ivy, let's put your stuff over here and then we'll show you around."

want to get this
out quickly now,
cause you guys are
in for a treat!

don't forget to vote
and comment, and
i'll see you in the
next chapter!!

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