Chapter one

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As we pulled onto River Lane, the excitement started to kick in. I was home for the first time in two years. The seemingly endless dirt road stretching out in front of me, was as familiar as my own voice. Heading towards the cabin, all the memories of my past started to rush back at me. I rolled down the window and stuck my head out; enjoying the fresh mountain air.

The place was just as I remembered it and just as clean and beautiful. There was the two-story log house, with a wraparound porch. The big barn, bunkhouses, and horse corrals behind and to one side of it. On the other side, were the small family garden and the orchard, with its delicious fruit trees. A small log fence surrounded it, in attempt to help keep the animals out, and the children in.

Taking advantage of the quiet, i snuck around the side of the house. The clothes' line was still near the orchard, Wranglers blowing in the wind. They had invested in a hot tub, which sat under a gazebo near the back of the house, since I was here last. I made a mental note to test it out soon.

I could hear Aunt Claire talking to Mama out front, and knew I'd better hurry, before they sent a posse looking for me. I turned around the corner just as my cousins came barreling out the front door.

"Nayvee!" They shouted, as they toppled me to the ground.

"Come on now kids", Aunt Claire said with a soft laugh, "Let her up and let her breathe. She'll be here for quite a while." She turned to my mom and gave her an apologetic smile. "I hope you don't mind us stealing her for a while." My mom just laughed.

"I doubt I could get her to leave now, even if I wanted her too. You know how she loves it here. Besides I think it will be good for her. City life isn't a place for someone so wild." And she wasn't exaggerating. City life had been miserable for me. There were way too many damn people for my taste, and I missed the mountains and my freedom.


My parents left early. Long goodbyes were more difficult. They gave me a kiss and a hug. Dad slipped some cash into my pocket, and gave me a credit card to buy clothes and things I needed. Then they left. As I watched them drive down the dirt road, I realized how much I would miss them. My consolation was that I was home, and that they would move back when they got things arranged.

I was sitting on the brown suede window seat in my new bedroom when I heard someone knock. As the door silently slid open, I saw Aunt Claire peek her head in. Seeing that I was awake and looking in her direction, she walked in, and sat beside me.

"Hey sweetie have you got your stuff settled yet?" She asked. I looked around the room, from corner to corner, exaggerating my movements. The room was completely set up for before my arrival, and I only brought a few things of my own that I could put away. Claire laughed, "I guess that answers my question." She waited only a minute longer before speaking again. "I'm so glad that you came to stay with us. I just thought I would let you know before you go to bed, that along with Jack and Matthew, we have a new kid staying here. His name is Garrett. In a few more months when things pick up a little more, we might higher one or two more to help out." I nodded. "Allie is usually here quite a bit too. She mucks stalls and works for us sometimes in exchange for room for her horse, and using the arena."

Allie had been my best friend since we were four and I threw a mudpie at her for kissing the boy i liked. Jack and Mathew had been here for as long as I could remember. Matthew was Uncle Jared's best friend, and Jack was an old friend of the family. I had no idea who this Garrett kid was. Noticing my mind had drifted onto other things, Claire finally decided that it was time for bed. kissing me on the cheek, she left the room.

As much like home as it was for me, the first night sleeping was still a long one. I lay in bed and looked at the ceiling. When I couldn't bare the heat anymore, I walked over and pushed open the window. My room was on the top floor, facing the barn and bunkhouse. Noticing a light on in the bunkhouse got me thinking about the new ranch hand. He wasn't the first young hand hired on. Jared was always willing to give a job to anyone willing to work, and my grandpa was the same way when he owned the ranch. Curling up on the window seat enjoying the breeze, I fell asleep listening to the coyotes howl.


The next morning I woke up in a daze. I hardly realized where I was, before the previous day came at me in a rush. I jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and let the steamy water relax my muscles. When I got out, I threw on a simple outfit. Wranglers, a tank top, and a dark blue hoody, and threw my still wet hair into a quick ponytail. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and hurried to put on mascara. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a minute. Frustrating myself as I usually did, I pushed away from the bathroom sink and back into the bedroom. Deciding to start off on a good note, I made my bed and threw my dirty clothes in the hamper.

Barreling into the kitchen, I stumbled into the counter as I looked to the table. I knew it was him, it had to be. He was the only person I didn't recognize. He had dark brown hair and light blue eyes, with the well-built, tanned body of a farm hand. I couldn't tell how tall he was, or much else about him, but I definitely had the urge to find out. At least I did, until I looked at the expression written across his face. He was scowling at me. It was the only way to describe it, and it threw me off guard.

Momentarily distracted I slid across the slick wood floor, and barely caught myself on the edge of the counter before falling on my face. Completely embarrassed, I blushed three shades of red, before mentally slapping myself. My temper started to flare. I wouldn't be embarrassed around anyone else here. So why the hell should I alter my composure for this stranger? I was startled when I glanced over, and noticed him still giving me a dirty look, as if I'd just kicked his favorite dog. Scowling back at him, I grabbed an apple, snatched my boots and hat, and hurried out the door.

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