Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


            The next morning I woke as the sun was barely coming over the hills. I struggled to roll out of bed from under the heavy weight of Garrett’s arm. I held in a small giggle as he rolled over and wrapped his self around my pillow, continuing to snore as I slid from the bed. Hurriedly pulling some clothes on, I tiptoed out my bedroom door and headed downstairs. Everything was quiet and no one was around. Grabbing a thermos and filling it with hot coffee; I grabbed a hat from the rack and slid my boots on over my feet, not even bothering to pull my pants over the tops. I was in such a hurry trotting down the stairs; I didn’t even notice the truck sitting on the other side of the fence until I was at the gate. Leaning up against it, one foot popped up on the door with his knee sticking out and the other drawing circles in the soft dirt, Pace stared at the ground. Glancing up at me from under his black felt cowboy hat, his dark look sent shivers through me.

            “Want to go for a ride?”

            “I don’t know if that’s a great idea,” I replied. I knew Garrett would kill me if he woke up and found out that I’d left with him. He looked around the yard. Noticing no one was around; he nodded his head sideways toward the orchard.

            “Let’s go for a walk then. I really need to talk to you.” I nodded my head in assent and we headed toward the fruit trees. The blossoms had fallen and gone, but the fruit was still small. Not yet ripe enough to eat. He walked close enough to me that our shoulders touched. He kept rubbing the back of our hands together, as if he wanted to hold mine but knew he shouldn’t. as we neared my swing, hanging from an old apple tree, he grabbed a hold of the rope on one side and with his other hand, gestured for me to sit. I looked at him curiously. The suspense was driving me crazy.

            “Did you have something you wanted to talk about?” he ignored my question as I sat down, and began to gently push me.

            “You’re not really going to marry him are you?” His voice sounded so forlorn and sad. I wanted to tell him the truth but I didn’t dare. What if he knew the person who was trying to hurt me and let it slip? The whole purpose of having a secret was to keep it.

            “Yes,” I said hesitantly. He sucked in a sharp breath and stopped the swing mid-air. I clutched the ropes tightly so I wouldn’t fall as he pulled the swing back towards him.

            “Don’t marry him,” he whispered softly in my ear, “please don’t marry him.” I turned to look at him and our faces were so close I thought he was going to try and kiss me again. When I seen his gaze drop to my lips I leaned away from him.

            “I’m sorry Pace.” He dropped the swing and began to softly push it again, before letting go and taking a few steps away. Pulling his hat off, he gripped his hair with his free hand and groaned in frustration.

            “Why Nayvee, why would you marry him?” The look in his eyes pleaded with me to reconsider. It hurt my heart to see him this way, and I was beginning to feel hopeless.

            “Why not Pace?” His questioning glance told me he thought I had to be joking.

            “I love you Nayvee. I know we’ve been over this before but I don’t think you really believe me. I. Love. You. You are the only person in this world that I want.” He said it with such seriousness, I knew I couldn’t ignore the meaning of his words. Maybe he really did love me. I looked down at my hands so he wouldn’t see the tears pooling in my eyes.

            “Garrett has hurt you in the past Nayvee, and I was the one you came to. I made you feel better, I took care of you and I made you forget him. You were happy with me and we were perfect together. Nothing even went wrong. He came waltzing back into your life out of no where and demanded your attention and you just dropped me like I meant nothing to you!” He dropped to his knees in front of me. With a finger under my chin he lifted my face until I was looking at him. He kissed the tears off of each of my eyes and leaned back on his feet, never dropping his hand from my chin. “Someone is trying to hurt you.” I sucked in a deep breath. “I can protect you. I know everyone else loves you and they are trying too, but I can do better. I would kill to protect you.”

            Just then Garrett hollered my name. Pace dropped my chin and looked towards the house. He stood and reached for my hand. I placed it in his palm and he pulled me up against him, one arm wrapped around my waist.

            “I don’t want you to say anything right now. I want you to think about it hard. I want you to think about everything that he has done to you, and everything I’ve done for you. I’ve given up everything to be near you, but he might be gone in a week or two for all you know. Just up and leave like he did the last time. I’d never leave you, but I’d always love you. I think you owe it to me to at least consider me fairly.” I nodded my head.

            “I promise I’ll think about it.”

            “Good. Don’t tell him you were with me. I want you to think about this with a clear head. Not with his judgments put into it.” He gave me a quick peck, squeezed my hand, and walked in the other direction. Turning towards the house and Garrett’s voice, I shook my head. What in the world am I getting myself into?

Sorry this one is a little shorter than the others. I felt bad that I hadn't posted in a while. Big things coming :) Please Please vote if you are liking what you read and keep the comments coming. Thank you!!

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