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Kylo Ren knelt before Supreme Leader, Snoke. There were red guards surrounding the circular room.

The disfigured ruler sits up straighter. "What news do you bring, Commander?"

Kylo looked up, through his mask, the view is heightened. Even if Snoke can't see his facial expressions, he stays sober and strong. "I believe there is a mole, Supreme Leader. I would like to take the responsibility of finding the perpetrator."

"Do what you think will be best. But do not come back to me without news of capturing the traitor. We will squash any rebelling that is forming amongst our midst."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Kylo agreed.

"You may go."

Kylo got to his feet. He had a job to do and he wouldn't fail.

I'm trying to make things as accurate to the characters I can. If something is said and feel it's wrong, oh well, I tried.

This takes place pre the force awakens.

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