SSGSS Vegito x Trapped in fire female reader

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Description: During the fight with Black you get trapped in a building surrounded by fire can Vegito save you in time or will it be to late?

Vegito's pov

I groaned and held my bleeding side. Looking around the destroyed city and burning building Trunks ran up to me panting with worry written on his face.

"Trunks what's wrong?" He panted and what he said next made my whole world stop "it's y/n! We can't find her anywhere!" 

Without giving him a chance to speak again I took off into the sky. Ignoring my wounds and tried to locate y/n's ki signature.

The smell of smoke invaded my nose and a scream ripped through the air " Y/N!" eyes widening I took off into the air.

No-ones pov

You coughed as smoke filled the air and the flames grew higher and got hotter grunting you moved away from the more dangerous parts of the burning building.

Only to yelp as a loose wooden beam fell on top of you and burned your legs.

You whimpered trying you harder to not pass out as your vision started the blur. 

Hearing a voice shout in the distance you snapped your e/c eyes open as they widened in surprise.

"Y/N!" You coughed up blood but took a deep breath and yelled "VEGITO!" Before darkness over took you.

Vegito burst through the door and gasped seeing your limp form pinned underneath a wooden beam. 

He ran towards you and grunted while lifting the beam of you. Taking your burned and bleeding form into his arms.

Running out of the building he laid your body on the ground and quickly performed CPR.

You didn't move tears filled his eyes. He held your face pressing his lips to your slightly bloody ones "please wake up y/n!" He sobbed.

Your e/c eyes snapped open as you lunged upwards. You coughed and gasped for air as Vegito sighed in relief. 

After you calmed down he connected his forehead to yours.

"Never die on me again y/n!"........

Edited on Wednesday 28th August 2024

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