Untitled Part 9

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details needed to be verified about the ships condition and readiness and then relax.

Rook Delate sat in her late father's quarters behind her small desk aboard the Check Mate and scanned her log. Lee was right about the lack of any real income. Her last working entry was a bit over seven months ago. Since then she and her crew of four had managed to squeak by on what she could scrounge up, which was small passenger and currier work. After her run in with the Spurdellians in the Torlilian drift where they had boarded her by force and stolen what she and her crew had rightfully stolen themselves only two days before. Due to the involuntary loss of her customer's cargo her reputation had suffered some and thus her income with it.

The repairs to the Check Mate had nearly wiped her out of credits and even a few favors. Then AJ called and with her behind the proverbial eight ball there was nothing she could do but accept his proposal.

Rook gritted her teeth at the thought of sharing her profits with a broker. But his directing business her way was beginning to help.

Soon she thought that this would be behind her and the need to have a broker for getting work would be over and things would get back to the norm.

Rook pushed her keyboard aside and rubbed at her eyes with the heels of her hands trying to prevent the headache from getting any larger and start leaking out her ears.

Her desk link chimed and Rook knew that the preparations for departure must be complete and they were ready to get underway.

Stepping onto her bridge Rook took her seat in the center and looked around making sure everyone was ready and at their stations. Satisfied, she crossed her legs and tapped the link on the arm of her chair.

"Check Mate to dock control request clearance for departure."

A brief moment passed then a male voice came over the link giving them the clearance and departure instructions.

Rook motioned at Beth who had been watching her. "Beth if you will. Once clear to navigate set course 627 mark 9 for Krontos."

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