These Tough Times

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Wake up, Eat, Stay Home, Sleep
We're trapped inside and all we can do it weep
How something we can't even see
Taken so much and caged us to our homes

Normality, Freedom and even lives
It takes all of these things and still it thrives
But what else is there for us to do
Just stay at home and see this through

It drives some mad, it drives some insane
For not seeing people brings so much pain
It just brings sadness and fear
With all the boredom and losing people so dear

A lot of us are fine with a lotta time
But is it all terrible?

Instruments, Writing and any other hobbies
Lets not waste all this time acting like Zombies
We should see it as a opportunity to do new things
Who knows what new talents this time brings

We can sit here and complain about the world
Or we could have fun with what we have
Maybe its time to be grateful and stop seeing this as a curse

Because for a lot of us things could be much much worse...

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